Getting started

The recommended way to get started with Stark is to download the starter and run npm install.


Stark-Core comes with the basic CSS styles and the Stark logo to display a basic animation during app initialization. These are provided under the assets folder of the package.

You must include those assets in your angular.json so that they are copied to your application assets folder and the initialization animations are displayed correctly:

Example :
"projects": {
    "your-app": {
        "architect": {
            "build": {
                "options": {
                    "styles": [

IMPORTANT: This should be done always. As mentioned above, these are used by Stark-Core internally when the application initializes.


Base assets

Stark-Core provides also some assets that are needed for any Stark based application. Therefore you must include those assets in your angular.json so that they are copied to your application assets folder and the Stark-Core styles are applied correctly:

Example :
"projects": {
    "your-app": {
        "architect": {
            "build": {
                "options": {
                    "assets": [
                            "glob": "**/*",
                            "input": "node_modules/@nationalbankbelgium/stark-core/assets/",
                            "output": "assets/stark-core"

IMPORTANT: This should be done always. As mentioned above, these are used by Stark-Core internally when the application initializes. In case you want to copy just certain assets from Stark-Core, make sure that you copy them following this structure in your application assets folder:

Example :
|   +---assets
|   |   +---stark-core  // assets from Stark-Core should be available at this location
|   ...

This will ensure that your application assets folder will contain only the assets that are actually used in your app.

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