


This StarkHttpFetchResourceRequestBuilder interface describes the different operations supported by Http request builders for resource-fetching requests




addAcceptedLanguage(languages: StarkLanguage[])

Adds StarkLanguage codes to the "Accept-Language" header

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
languages StarkLanguage[] No
  • Language(s) in which the response should be returned
addFilterByInclude(...fields: string[])

Adds the fields that should be included in the response

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
fields string[] No
  • Name of the fields to be included
addFilterByStyle(style: string)

Adds the "style" (a label put on a set of fields) that should be included in the response

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
style string No
  • Name of the style to be included
addSortBy(sortItems: StarkSortItem[])

Adds StarkSortItem query parameter(s) to the request

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
sortItems StarkSortItem[] No
  • Sort parameters to define the order in which the items will be returned
import { StarkLanguage } from "../../../configuration/entities/language";
import { StarkSortItem } from "../entities";

 * This StarkHttpFetchResourceRequestBuilder interface describes the different operations supported by Http request builders for resource-fetching requests
export interface StarkHttpFetchResourceRequestBuilder {
	 * Adds {@link StarkLanguage} codes to the "Accept-Language" header
	 * @param languages - Language(s) in which the response should be returned
	 * @returns The current builder
	addAcceptedLanguage(...languages: StarkLanguage[]): this;

	 * Adds the fields that should be included in the response
	 * @param fields - Name of the fields to be included
	 * @returns The current builder
	addFilterByInclude(...fields: string[]): this;

	 * Adds the "style" (a label put on a set of fields) that should be included in the response
	 * @param style - Name of the style to be included
	 * @returns The current builder
	addFilterByStyle(style: string): this;

	 * Adds {@link StarkSortItem} query parameter(s) to the request
	 * @param sortItems - Sort parameters to define the order in which the items will be returned
	 * @returns The current builder
	addSortBy(...sortItems: StarkSortItem[]): this;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""