


Stark Logging Service. Service that integrates logging with the Redux store and also integrates the notion of correlation identifier.




debug(...args: any[])

Logs debug messages to be used only in development to track issues. The debug messages are only logged (and afterwards stored in the Redux store) only when the debugLoggingEnabled configuration setting from the StarkApplicationConfig is set to true.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
args any[] No
  • The arguments to log
Returns : void
error(message: string, error?: StarkError | Error)

Logs error messages. Error messages should be logged when there was an unexpected error while executing the code. They are typically logged in the catch method of a try-catch block. These messages are also stored in the Redux store.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
message string No
  • The message to log
error StarkError | Error Yes
  • The error to log
Returns : void

Generates a new correlationId. This method can be used at the start of a new action, for instance when the user clicks a button to save data.

Returns : string
info(...args: any[])

Logs information messages. These messages are also stored in the Redux store.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
args any[] No
  • The arguments to log
Returns : void
warn(...args: any[])

Logs warning messages. Warning messages can, for instance, indicate a non blocking problem in the software. These messages are also stored in the Redux store.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
args any[] No
  • The arguments to log
Returns : void


correlationId: string
Type : string

Gets the current correlationId. This value can be used while displaying a generic error message.

When the logging service is created, it gets a unique correlation Id.

correlationIdHttpHeaderName: string
Type : string

The name that will be used to add the CorrelationId to the http headers

import { InjectionToken } from "@angular/core";
import { StarkError } from "../../../common/error";

 * @ignore
export const starkLoggingServiceName = "StarkLoggingService";
 * {@link|InjectionToken} used to provide the {@link StarkLoggingService}
export const STARK_LOGGING_SERVICE: InjectionToken<StarkLoggingService> = new InjectionToken<StarkLoggingService>(starkLoggingServiceName);

 * Stark Logging Service.
 * Service that integrates logging with the Redux store and also integrates the notion of correlation identifier.
export interface StarkLoggingService {
	 * Gets the current `correlationId`. This value can be used while displaying a generic error message.
	 * **When the logging service is created, it gets a unique correlation Id.**
	readonly correlationId: string;

	 * The name that will be used to add the `CorrelationId` to the http headers
	readonly correlationIdHttpHeaderName: string;

	 * Generates a new correlationId. This method can be used at the start of a new action, for instance when the user clicks a button to save data.
	generateNewCorrelationId(): string;

	 * Logs debug messages to be used only in development to track issues.
	 * The debug messages are only logged (and afterwards stored in the Redux store) only when the `debugLoggingEnabled` configuration
	 * setting from the {@link StarkApplicationConfig} is set to `true`.
	 * @param args - The arguments to log
	debug(...args: any[]): void;

	 * Logs information messages. These messages are also stored in the Redux store.
	 * @param args - The arguments to log
	info(...args: any[]): void;

	 * Logs warning messages. Warning messages can, for instance, indicate a non blocking problem in the software. These messages are also stored in the Redux store.
	 * @param args - The arguments to log
	warn(...args: any[]): void;

	 * Logs error messages. Error messages should be logged when there was an unexpected error while executing the code.
	 * They are typically logged in the catch method of a try-catch block. These messages are also stored in the Redux store.
	 * @param message - The message to log
	 * @param error - The error to log
	error(message: string, error?: StarkError | Error): void;

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