


Stark Routing Service. Service that can be used to interact with the router implementation.




addKnownNavigationRejectionCause(rejectionCause: string)

Adds a navigation rejection cause to the rejections causes known by the Routing service. These known rejection causes will be treated differently than any other navigation error (a Rejection action will be dispatched instead of a Failure action).

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
rejectionCause string No
  • String that will be compared to the rejection reason provided by the router implementation
Returns : void
addTransitionHook(lifecycleHook: string, matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria, callback: TransitionHookFn | TransitionStateHookFn, options?: HookRegOptions)

Register a transition lifecycle hook that will be called by the router implementation. which transitions the hook should be invoked for. Transition Hook callback function registering the transition hook.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
lifecycleHook string No
  • Type of lifecycle hook to be registered.
matchCriteria HookMatchCriteria No
  • The HookMatchCriteria to determine which transitions the hook should be invoked for.
callback TransitionHookFn | TransitionStateHookFn No
options HookRegOptions Yes
  • Additional options when registering the transition hook.
Returns : void

A function which deregisters the transition hook


Get the current state instance

Returns : StateObject

Get the config of the current state

Returns : StateDeclaration

Get the name of the current state

Returns : string
getCurrentStateParams(includeInherited?: boolean)

Get the params object passed at runtime to the current state (not the params object defined in the $stateProvider declaration)

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
includeInherited boolean Yes
  • (Optional) Whether to return also parent states' inherited params. Default: false
Returns : RawParams

Params object (at runtime) of the current state

getStateConfigByUrlPath(urlPath: string)

Get the config and the interpolated params of the state matching the given url path. the given url path.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
urlPath string No
  • The URL path to use in order to find a matching State configuration

Object containing the state config and the interpolated params. Returns undefined in case there is no State matching the given url path.

getStateDeclarationByStateName(stateName: string)

Get the config of the state matching the given state name

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
stateName string No
  • The state name to use in order to find a matching State configuration
Returns : StateDeclaration | undefined

Config object of the state matching the given state name


Get the state config of all states declared

Returns : StateDeclaration[]

Array containing all state config objects (as defined in the UI-Router $stateProvider declarations)


Get the data object of every state which is part of the current state tree (from the child state up to the root parent)

Returns : Map<string, any>

Map with the state names as keys and the data object as values


Get the params object of every state which is part of the current state tree (from the child state up to the root parent)

Returns : Map<string, any>

Map with the state names as keys and the params object as values


Get the resolve object of every state which is part of the current state tree (from the child state up to the root parent)

Returns : Map<string, any>

Map with the state names as keys and the resolve object as values

getTranslationKeyFromState(stateName: string)

Get the translationKey token from the state in this order:

  1. From the state's resolves if defined
  2. From the state's data if defined
  3. Otherwise, the state name is used
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
stateName string No
  • Name of the state to get the translation key from
Returns : string
isCurrentUiState(stateName: string, stateParams?: RawParams)

Checks whether the stateName passed as parameter corresponds to the current state.

will be compared to the current state params in order to determine if it corresponds to the current state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
stateName string No
  • Name of the state to compare with the current state
stateParams RawParams Yes
  • Optional - If provided, apart from the state name, this state params object will be compared to the current state params in order to determine if it corresponds to the current state
Returns : boolean
isCurrentUiStateIncludedIn(stateName: string, stateParams?: RawParams)

Check whether the stateName passed as parameter is included in the current state.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
stateName string No
  • Partial name, relative name, glob pattern, or state object to be searched for within the current state name.
stateParams RawParams Yes
  • Param object, e.g. {sectionId:}, to test against the current active state.
Returns : boolean
navigateTo(newState: string, params?: RawParams, options?: TransitionOptions)

Triggers the navigation to the given state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
newState string No
  • State name to be navigated to
params RawParams Yes
  • (Optional) State params object to be passed to the navigated state
options TransitionOptions Yes
  • (Optional) Transition options object to change the behavior of the transition.
Returns : Observable<any>

Observable that will emit on navigation Success/Failure

navigateToHome(params?: RawParams)

Triggers the navigation to the Home state (defined in appConfig)

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
params RawParams Yes
  • (Optional) State params object to be passed to the navigated state
Returns : Observable<any>

Observable that will emit on navigation Success/Failure


Triggers the navigation to the previous state (if any). If there is no previous state, the returned Observable will complete immediately without emitting any value

Returns : Observable<any>

Observable that will emit on navigation Success/Failure


Reloads the current state (navigates to the same state)

Returns : Observable<any>

Observable that will emit on navigation Success/Failure

import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import {
} from "@uirouter/core";

import { StarkStateConfigWithParams } from "./state-config-with-params.intf";
import { InjectionToken } from "@angular/core";

 * @ignore
export const starkRoutingServiceName = "StarkRoutingService";
 * {@link|InjectionToken} used to provide the {@link StarkRoutingService}
export const STARK_ROUTING_SERVICE: InjectionToken<StarkRoutingService> = new InjectionToken<StarkRoutingService>(starkRoutingServiceName);

 * Stark Routing Service.
 * Service that can be used to interact with the router implementation.
export interface StarkRoutingService {
	 * Triggers the navigation to the given state
	 * @param newState - State name to be navigated to
	 * @param params - (Optional) State params object to be passed to the navigated state
	 * @param options - (Optional) Transition options object to change the behavior of the transition.
	 * @returns Observable that will emit on navigation Success/Failure
	navigateTo(newState: string, params?: RawParams, options?: TransitionOptions): Observable<any>;

	 * Triggers the navigation to the Home state (defined in appConfig)
	 * @param params - (Optional) State params object to be passed to the navigated state
	 * @returns Observable that will emit on navigation Success/Failure
	navigateToHome(params?: RawParams): Observable<any>;

	 * Triggers the navigation to the previous state (if any).
	 * If there is no previous state, the returned Observable will complete immediately without emitting any value
	 * @returns Observable that will emit on navigation Success/Failure
	navigateToPrevious(): Observable<any>;

	 * Reloads the current state (navigates to the same state)
	 * @returns Observable that will emit on navigation Success/Failure
	reload(): Observable<any>;

	 * Get the name of the current state
	getCurrentStateName(): string;

	 * Get the current state instance
	getCurrentState(): StateObject;

	 * Get the config of the current state
	getCurrentStateConfig(): StateDeclaration;

	 * Get the state config of all states declared
	 * @returns Array containing all state config objects (as defined in the UI-Router $stateProvider declarations)
	getStatesConfig(): StateDeclaration[];

	 * Get the config and the interpolated params of the state matching the given url path.
	 * @param urlPath - The URL path to use in order to find a matching State configuration
	 * @returns Object containing the state config and the interpolated params. Returns `undefined` in case there is no State matching
	 * the given url path.
	getStateConfigByUrlPath(urlPath: string): StarkStateConfigWithParams | undefined;

	 * Get the config of the state matching the given state name
	 * @param stateName - The state name to use in order to find a matching State configuration
	 * @returns Config object of the state matching the given state name
	getStateDeclarationByStateName(stateName: string): StateDeclaration | undefined;

	 * Get the params object passed at runtime to the current state (not the params object defined in the $stateProvider declaration)
	 * @param includeInherited - (Optional) Whether to return also parent states' inherited params. Default: `false`
	 * @returns Params object (at runtime) of the current state
	getCurrentStateParams(includeInherited?: boolean): RawParams;

	 * Get the params object of every state which is part of the current state tree (from the child state up to the root parent)
	 * @returns Map with the state names as keys and the params object as values
	getStateTreeParams(): Map<string, any>;

	 * Get the resolve object of every state which is part of the current state tree (from the child state up to the root parent)
	 * @returns Map with the state names as keys and the resolve object as values
	getStateTreeResolves(): Map<string, any>;

	 * Get the data object of every state which is part of the current state tree (from the child state up to the root parent)
	 * @returns Map with the state names as keys and the data object as values
	getStateTreeData(): Map<string, any>;

	 * Checks whether the stateName passed as parameter corresponds to the current state.
	 * @param stateName - Name of the state to compare with the current state
	 * @param stateParams - Optional - If provided, apart from the state name, this state params object
	 * will be compared to the current state params in order to determine if it corresponds to the current state
	isCurrentUiState(stateName: string, stateParams?: RawParams): boolean;

	 * Check whether the stateName passed as parameter is included in the current state.
	 * @param stateName - Partial name, relative name, glob pattern, or state object to be searched for within the current state name.
	 * @param stateParams - Param object, e.g. {sectionId:}, to test against the current active state.
	isCurrentUiStateIncludedIn(stateName: string, stateParams?: RawParams): boolean;

	 * Adds a navigation rejection cause to the rejections causes known by the Routing service. These known rejection causes
	 * will be treated differently than any other navigation error (a Rejection action will be dispatched instead of a Failure action).
	 * @param rejectionCause - String that will be compared to the rejection reason provided by the router implementation
	addKnownNavigationRejectionCause(rejectionCause: string): void;

	 * Register a transition lifecycle {@link StarkRoutingTransitionHook|hook} that will be called by the router implementation.
	 * @param lifecycleHook - Type of lifecycle hook to be registered.
	 * @param matchCriteria - The [HookMatchCriteria]( to determine
	 * which transitions the hook should be invoked for.
	 * @param callback - A [Transition State Hook callback function]( or
	 * [Transition Hook callback function](
	 * @param options - Additional [options]( when
	 * registering the transition hook.
	 * @returns A function which deregisters the transition hook
		lifecycleHook: string,
		matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria,
		callback: TransitionHookFn | TransitionStateHookFn,
		options?: HookRegOptions
	): () => void;

	 * Get the `translationKey` token from the state in this order:
	 * 1. From the state's resolves if defined
	 * 2. From the state's data if defined
	 * 3. Otherwise, the state name is used
	 * @param stateName - Name of the state to get the translation key from
	getTranslationKeyFromState(stateName: string): string;

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