


Stark XSRF Service. Service to get/store the XSRF token to be used with the different backends. It also adds the XSRF configuration to XHR objects for those HTTP requests not performed using StarkHttpService or Angular's HttpClient.




configureHttpRequest(request: HttpRequest)

Return a new HttpRequest including the necessary options for "state-changing" requests (POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE) in order to enable XSRF protection.

Logs a warning whenever there is no XSRF token to be sent in such requests

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
request HttpRequest<any> No
  • The Angular HttpRequest to be modified
Returns : HttpRequest<any>

The modified Angular HttpRequest

configureXHR(xhr: XMLHttpRequest)

Add the necessary options to the XHR config in order to enable XSRF protection. Since the service will add the XSRF header to the XHR object, this method must be called after calling the XHR open() method because headers cannot be set before open(). See

This method should be used for those HTTP "state-changing" requests (POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE) which are not performed using StarkHttpService or Angular raw $http

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
xhr XMLHttpRequest No
  • The XHR object to be configured
Returns : void

Get the current XSRF token (in case there is one already stored)

Returns : string | undefined

Trigger a GET Http request to all the backends in order to get their XSRF tokens. Then the response is intercepted by the XSRF Http Interceptor to store the token from the current XSRF cookie

Returns : void

Store the token from the current XSRF cookie

Returns : void
import { InjectionToken } from "@angular/core";
import { HttpRequest } from "@angular/common/http";

 * @ignore
export const starkXSRFServiceName = "StarkXSRFService";
 * {@link|InjectionToken} used to provide the {@link StarkXSRFService}
export const STARK_XSRF_SERVICE: InjectionToken<StarkXSRFService> = new InjectionToken<StarkXSRFService>(starkXSRFServiceName);

 * Stark XSRF Service.
 * Service to get/store the XSRF token to be used with the different backends.
 * It also adds the XSRF configuration to XHR objects for those HTTP requests not performed using StarkHttpService or Angular's HttpClient.
export interface StarkXSRFService {
	 * Add the necessary options to the XHR config in order to enable XSRF protection.
	 * Since the service will add the XSRF header to the XHR object, this method must be called after calling the XHR open() method because
	 * headers cannot be set before open(). See
	 * This method should be used for those HTTP "state-changing" requests (POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE) which are not performed
	 * using StarkHttpService or Angular raw $http
	 * @param xhr - The XHR object to be configured
	configureXHR(xhr: XMLHttpRequest): void;

	 * Return a new {@link|HttpRequest} including the necessary options
	 * for "state-changing" requests (POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE) in order to enable XSRF protection.
	 * Logs a warning whenever there is no XSRF token to be sent in such requests
	 * @param request - The Angular `HttpRequest` to be modified
	 * @returns The modified Angular `HttpRequest`
	configureHttpRequest(request: HttpRequest<any>): HttpRequest<any>;

	 * Get the current XSRF token (in case there is one already stored)
	getXSRFToken(): string | undefined;

	 * Store the token from the current XSRF cookie
	storeXSRFToken(): void;

	 * Trigger a GET Http request to all the backends in order to get their XSRF tokens.
	 * Then the response is intercepted by the XSRF Http Interceptor to store the token from the current XSRF cookie
	pingBackends(): void;

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