Component to display a generic search form with an action bar and form buttons for these actions:
IMPORTANT: In the HTML, the component defining the search form content should be exported as searchForm
so that it is accessible from the Stark Generic Search component.
See Angular Template Syntax: Template reference variables
Example :<stark-generic-search formHtmlId="demo-generic-search-form"
<!-- your search form component should be exported as 'searchForm' -->
<your-search-form-component #searchForm
encapsulation | ViewEncapsulation.None |
host | { |
selector | stark-generic-search |
templateUrl | ./generic-search.component.html |
Properties |
Methods |
Inputs |
Outputs |
Accessors |
constructor(logger: StarkLoggingService, renderer: Renderer2, elementRef: ElementRef)
Class constructor
Parameters :
formActionBarConfig | |
Type : StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfig
Configuration object for the action bar to be shown above the generic form |
formButtonsConfig | |
Type : StarkGenericSearchFormButtonsConfig
Configuration object for the buttons to be shown in the generic form |
formHtmlId | |
Type : string
Default value : "stark-generic-search-form"
HTML id of action bar component. |
hideOnSearch | |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Whether the search form should be hidden once the search is triggered. Default: |
isFormHidden | |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Whether the search form should be hidden. Default: |
color | |
Type : string
Inherited from
Defined in
Color theme |
newTriggered | |
Type : EventEmitter
Callback function to be called when the "New" button is clicked (in case it is shown) |
resetTriggered | |
Type : EventEmitter
Callback function to be called when the "Reset" button is clicked. The form model object is passed as parameter to this function. |
searchTriggered | |
Type : EventEmitter
Callback function to be called when the "Search" button is clicked. The form model object is passed as parameter to this function. |
Public buildActionBarConfig | ||||||||
buildActionBarConfig(searchFormActionBarConfig: StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfigRequired)
Build the action bar config object based on the searchFormActionBarConfig object and set the action calls to emit values through the defined Output
Parameters :
Returns :
Public hideForm |
Hide the search form and emit a boolean through formVisibilityChanged event emitter that indicates if the search is displayed
Returns :
Public ngAfterContentInit |
Component lifecycle hook
Returns :
Public ngOnChanges | ||||||||
ngOnChanges(changesObj: SimpleChanges)
Component lifecycle hook
Parameters :
Returns :
Public ngOnInit |
Inherited from
Defined in
Component lifecycle hook
Returns :
Public normalizeFormActionBarConfig | ||||||||
normalizeFormActionBarConfig(config?: StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfig)
Normalize the form action bar config Set a default value for each property of each action if there is no value defined
Parameters :
Public normalizeFormButtonsConfig | ||||||||
normalizeFormButtonsConfig(config?: StarkGenericSearchFormButtonsConfig)
Normalize the form buttons config Set a default value for each property of each button if there is no value defined
Parameters :
Public triggerSearch |
Emit the form through "searchTriggered" event emitter then hide the search form based on hideOnSearch variable
Returns :
Public actionBarConfig |
Type : StarkActionBarConfig
Default value : { actions: [] }
Configuration object for the the StarkActionBarComponent to be shown in the search form. |
Public normalizedFormActionBarConfig |
Type : StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfigRequired
Object containing normalized options that will be used to generate config for the the StarkActionBarComponent to be shown in the search form. |
Public normalizedFormButtonsConfig |
Type : StarkGenericSearchFormButtonsConfigRequired
Object containing normalized options for the different buttons to be shown in the search form. |
Public searchFormComponent |
Type : StarkSearchFormComponent<>
Decorators :
@ContentChild('searchForm', {static: true})
Reference to the child search form component. Such component is looked up by the Therefore, the child search form component should be exported as See Angular Template Syntax: Template reference variables for more info about template reference variables. |
import {
} from "@angular/core";
import { StarkSearchFormComponent } from "../../classes";
import {
} from "../../entities";
import {
} from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui/src/modules/action-bar";
import { STARK_LOGGING_SERVICE, StarkLoggingService } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-core";
import { UntypedFormGroup } from "@angular/forms";
import { animate, AnimationTriggerMetadata, state, style, transition, trigger } from "@angular/animations";
import { AbstractStarkUiComponent } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui/src/internal-common";
import isEqual from "lodash-es/isEqual";
* @ignore
const componentName = "stark-generic-search";
* @ignore
declare type UnusedLabelProps = "labelActivated" | "labelSwitchFunction";
* @ignore
declare type UnusedIconProps = "iconActivated" | "iconSwitchFunction";
* @ignore
declare type StarkDefaultPredefinedActionBarGenericAction = Required<
Pick<StarkDefaultPredefinedAction, Exclude<keyof StarkDefaultPredefinedAction, UnusedLabelProps | UnusedIconProps>>
> &
Pick<StarkDefaultPredefinedAction, UnusedIconProps>;
* @ignore
declare type StarkCustomizablePredefinedActionBarGenericAction = Required<
Pick<StarkCustomizablePredefinedAction, Exclude<keyof StarkCustomizablePredefinedAction, UnusedLabelProps | UnusedIconProps>>
> &
Partial<Pick<StarkCustomizablePredefinedAction, UnusedIconProps>>;
* @ignore
interface StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfigRequired extends StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfig, StarkActionBarConfig {
search: StarkDefaultPredefinedActionBarGenericAction;
new: StarkCustomizablePredefinedActionBarGenericAction;
reset: StarkCustomizablePredefinedActionBarGenericAction;
* @ignore
interface StarkGenericSearchFormButtonsConfigRequired extends StarkGenericSearchFormButtonsConfig {
search: Required<StarkFormDefaultPredefinedButton>;
new: Required<StarkFormCustomizablePredefinedButton>;
reset: Required<StarkFormCustomizablePredefinedButton>;
custom: StarkFormButton[];
* @ignore
const formAnimations: AnimationTriggerMetadata = trigger("collapse", [
state("closed", style({ opacity: 0, height: 0 })),
transition("* <=> closed", animate(400))
* Component to display a generic search form with an action bar and form buttons for these actions:
* - **New:** emits in the newTriggered event emitter
* - **Search:** emits in the searchTriggered event emitter
* - **Reset:** emits in the resetTriggered event emitter
* **IMPORTANT: In the HTML, the component defining the search form content should be exported as `searchForm`
* so that it is accessible from the Stark Generic Search component.**
* See [Angular Template Syntax: Template reference variables](
* @example
* <stark-generic-search formHtmlId="demo-generic-search-form"
* (searchTriggered)="onSearch($event)"
* (resetTriggered)="onReset($event)"
* [isFormHidden]="hideSearch">
* <!-- your search form component should be exported as 'searchForm' -->
* <your-search-form-component #searchForm
* [searchCriteria]="workingCopy"
* (workingCopyChanged)="updateWorkingCopy($event)">
* </your-search-form-component>
* </stark-generic-search>
selector: "stark-generic-search",
templateUrl: "./generic-search.component.html",
animations: [formAnimations],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
// We need to use host instead of @HostBinding:
host: {
class: componentName
export class StarkGenericSearchComponent extends AbstractStarkUiComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, AfterContentInit {
* Configuration object for the action bar to be shown above the generic form
public formActionBarConfig?: StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfig;
* Configuration object for the buttons to be shown in the generic form
public formButtonsConfig?: StarkGenericSearchFormButtonsConfig;
* Whether the search form should be hidden.
* Default: `false`
public isFormHidden = false;
* HTML id of action bar component.
public formHtmlId = "stark-generic-search-form";
* Whether the search form should be hidden once the search is triggered.
* Default: `false`
public hideOnSearch = false;
* Callback function to be called when the "New" button is clicked (in case it is shown)
public readonly newTriggered = new EventEmitter<void>();
* Callback function to be called when the "Reset" button is clicked.
* The form model object is passed as parameter to this function.
public readonly resetTriggered = new EventEmitter<UntypedFormGroup>();
* Callback function to be called when the "Search" button is clicked.
* The form model object is passed as parameter to this function.
public readonly searchTriggered = new EventEmitter<UntypedFormGroup>();
* Callback function to be called when the visibility of the generic form changes.
* A boolean is passed as parameter to indicate whether the generic form is visible or not.
public readonly formVisibilityChanged = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
* Reference to the child search form component. Such component is looked up by the `searchForm` template reference variable.
* **Therefore, the child search form component should be exported as `searchForm`.**
* See {@link|Angular Template Syntax: Template reference variables} for more info about template reference variables.
@ContentChild("searchForm", { static: true })
public searchFormComponent!: StarkSearchFormComponent<unknown>;
* Configuration object for the the {@link StarkActionBarComponent} to be shown in the search form.
public actionBarConfig: StarkActionBarConfig = { actions: [] };
* Object containing normalized options that will be used to generate config for the the {@link StarkActionBarComponent}
* to be shown in the search form.
public normalizedFormActionBarConfig!: StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfigRequired;
* Object containing normalized options for the different buttons to be shown in the search form.
public normalizedFormButtonsConfig!: StarkGenericSearchFormButtonsConfigRequired;
* Reference to the FormGroup instance bound to the search form.
* In the HTML, the component defining the search form content should be exported as `searchForm`
* so that it is accessible from the Stark Generic Search component. See example above.
public get genericForm(): UntypedFormGroup {
return this.searchFormComponent.searchForm;
* Class constructor
* @param logger - The `StarkLoggingService` instance of the application.
* @param renderer - Angular `Renderer2` wrapper for DOM manipulations.
* @param elementRef - Reference to the DOM element where this component is attached to.
public constructor(
@Inject(STARK_LOGGING_SERVICE) private logger: StarkLoggingService,
renderer: Renderer2,
elementRef: ElementRef
) {
super(renderer, elementRef);
* Component lifecycle hook
public ngAfterContentInit(): void {
if (!this.searchFormComponent) {
throw new Error("StarkGenericSearchComponent: the searchForm content child is required.");
* Component lifecycle hook
public override ngOnInit(): void {
this.normalizedFormButtonsConfig = this.normalizeFormButtonsConfig(this.formButtonsConfig);
this.normalizedFormActionBarConfig = this.normalizeFormActionBarConfig(this.formActionBarConfig);
this.actionBarConfig = this.buildActionBarConfig(this.normalizedFormActionBarConfig);
this.logger.debug(componentName + ": component initialized");
* Component lifecycle hook
* @param changesObj - Contains the changed properties
public ngOnChanges(changesObj: SimpleChanges): void {
if (
changesObj["formButtonsConfig"] &&
!changesObj["formButtonsConfig"].isFirstChange() &&
!isEqual(this.formButtonsConfig, this.normalizedFormButtonsConfig)
) {
this.normalizedFormButtonsConfig = this.normalizeFormButtonsConfig(this.formButtonsConfig);
if (
changesObj["formActionBarConfig"] &&
!changesObj["formActionBarConfig"].isFirstChange() &&
!isEqual(this.formActionBarConfig, this.normalizedFormActionBarConfig)
) {
this.normalizedFormActionBarConfig = this.normalizeFormActionBarConfig(this.formActionBarConfig);
this.actionBarConfig = this.buildActionBarConfig(this.normalizedFormActionBarConfig);
* Normalize the form buttons config
* Set a default value for each property of each button if there is no value defined
* @param config - Form buttons configuration
// eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity
public normalizeFormButtonsConfig(config?: StarkGenericSearchFormButtonsConfig): StarkGenericSearchFormButtonsConfigRequired {
config = config || {};
* @ignore
function normalizeButtonConfig(
buttonConfig: StarkFormCustomizablePredefinedButton,
defaultConfig: Required<StarkFormCustomizablePredefinedButton>
): Required<StarkFormCustomizablePredefinedButton> {
return {
icon: typeof buttonConfig.icon !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.icon : defaultConfig.icon,
label: typeof buttonConfig.label !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.label : defaultConfig.label,
isEnabled: typeof buttonConfig.isEnabled !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.isEnabled : defaultConfig.isEnabled,
isVisible: typeof buttonConfig.isVisible !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.isVisible : defaultConfig.isVisible,
className: typeof buttonConfig.className !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.className : defaultConfig.className,
buttonColor: typeof buttonConfig.buttonColor !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.buttonColor : defaultConfig.buttonColor
* @ignore
function normalizeDefaultButtonConfig(
buttonConfig: StarkFormDefaultPredefinedButton,
defaultConfig: Required<StarkFormDefaultPredefinedButton>
): Required<StarkFormDefaultPredefinedButton> {
return {
icon: typeof buttonConfig.icon !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.icon : defaultConfig.icon,
label: typeof buttonConfig.label !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.label : defaultConfig.label,
isEnabled: typeof buttonConfig.isEnabled !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.isEnabled : defaultConfig.isEnabled,
className: typeof buttonConfig.className !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.className : defaultConfig.className,
buttonColor: typeof buttonConfig.buttonColor !== "undefined" ? buttonConfig.buttonColor : defaultConfig.buttonColor
// set default values
const normalizedConfig: StarkGenericSearchFormButtonsConfigRequired = {
search: {
icon: "",
isEnabled: true,
className: "mat-raised-button",
buttonColor: "primary"
new: {
icon: "",
isEnabled: true,
isVisible: true,
className: "mat-stroked-button",
buttonColor: "primary"
reset: {
icon: "",
isEnabled: true,
isVisible: true,
className: "mat-stroked-button",
buttonColor: "primary"
custom: []
if ( { = normalizeDefaultButtonConfig(,;
if ( { = normalizeButtonConfig(,;
if (config.reset) {
normalizedConfig.reset = normalizeButtonConfig(config.reset, normalizedConfig.reset);
if (config.custom !== undefined) {
normalizedConfig.custom = config.custom;
return normalizedConfig;
* Normalize the form action bar config
* Set a default value for each property of each action if there is no value defined
* @param config - Form action bar configuration
// eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity
public normalizeFormActionBarConfig(config?: StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfig): StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfigRequired {
config = config || { actions: [] };
* @ignore
function normalizeDefaultActionConfig(
actionConfig: StarkDefaultPredefinedAction,
defaultConfig: StarkDefaultPredefinedActionBarGenericAction
): StarkDefaultPredefinedActionBarGenericAction {
return {
icon: typeof actionConfig.icon !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.icon : defaultConfig.icon,
label: typeof actionConfig.label !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.label : defaultConfig.label,
isEnabled: typeof actionConfig.isEnabled !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.isEnabled : defaultConfig.isEnabled,
iconActivated: actionConfig.iconActivated,
iconSwitchFunction: actionConfig.iconSwitchFunction,
className: typeof actionConfig.className !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.className : defaultConfig.className,
buttonColor: typeof actionConfig.buttonColor !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.buttonColor : defaultConfig.buttonColor
* @ignore
function normalizeActionConfig(
actionConfig: StarkCustomizablePredefinedAction,
defaultConfig: StarkCustomizablePredefinedActionBarGenericAction
): StarkCustomizablePredefinedActionBarGenericAction {
return {
icon: typeof actionConfig.icon !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.icon : defaultConfig.icon,
label: typeof actionConfig.label !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.label : defaultConfig.label,
isEnabled: typeof actionConfig.isEnabled !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.isEnabled : defaultConfig.isEnabled,
isVisible: typeof actionConfig.isVisible !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.isVisible : defaultConfig.isVisible,
iconActivated: actionConfig.iconActivated,
iconSwitchFunction: actionConfig.iconSwitchFunction,
className: typeof actionConfig.className !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.className : defaultConfig.className,
buttonColor: typeof actionConfig.buttonColor !== "undefined" ? actionConfig.buttonColor : defaultConfig.buttonColor
// set default values
const normalizedConfig: StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfigRequired = {
search: {
icon: "magnify",
isEnabled: true,
className: "",
buttonColor: "primary"
new: {
icon: "note-plus",
isEnabled: true,
isVisible: true,
className: "",
buttonColor: "primary"
reset: {
icon: "undo",
isEnabled: true,
isVisible: true,
className: "",
buttonColor: "primary"
actions: [],
isPresent: true // action bar is present by default, should be explicitly set to false to remove it
if ( { = normalizeDefaultActionConfig(,;
if ( { = normalizeActionConfig(,;
if (config.reset) {
normalizedConfig.reset = normalizeActionConfig(config.reset, normalizedConfig.reset);
if (config.actions !== undefined) {
normalizedConfig.actions = config.actions;
if (config.isPresent !== undefined) {
normalizedConfig.isPresent = config.isPresent;
return normalizedConfig;
* Build the action bar config object based on the searchFormActionBarConfig object and set the action calls to emit
* values through the defined Output
* @param searchFormActionBarConfig - Form action bar configuration
public buildActionBarConfig(searchFormActionBarConfig: StarkGenericSearchActionBarConfigRequired): StarkActionBarConfig {
// TODO: replace this code with a Type to convert all optional props to required
// see
const predefinedSearchAction: StarkDefaultPredefinedActionBarGenericAction =;
const actionSearch: StarkAction = {
label: predefinedSearchAction.label,
icon: predefinedSearchAction.icon,
buttonColor: predefinedSearchAction.buttonColor,
isEnabled: predefinedSearchAction.isEnabled,
iconActivated: predefinedSearchAction.iconActivated,
iconSwitchFunction: predefinedSearchAction.iconSwitchFunction,
className: predefinedSearchAction.className,
id: "search-action-bar",
isVisible: true,
actionCall: (): void => {
const predefinedResetAction: StarkCustomizablePredefinedAction = <StarkCustomizablePredefinedAction>searchFormActionBarConfig.reset;
const actionReset: StarkAction = {
label: <string>predefinedResetAction.label,
icon: <string>predefinedResetAction.icon,
isEnabled: <boolean>predefinedResetAction.isEnabled,
isVisible: <boolean>predefinedResetAction.isVisible,
iconActivated: predefinedResetAction.iconActivated,
iconSwitchFunction: predefinedResetAction.iconSwitchFunction,
className: predefinedResetAction.className,
id: "undo-action-bar",
actionCall: (): void => {
if (this.resetTriggered) {
const predefinedNewAction: StarkCustomizablePredefinedAction = <StarkCustomizablePredefinedAction>;
const actionNew: StarkAction = {
label: <string>predefinedNewAction.label,
icon: <string>predefinedNewAction.icon,
isEnabled: <boolean>predefinedNewAction.isEnabled,
isVisible: <boolean>predefinedNewAction.isVisible,
iconActivated: predefinedNewAction.iconActivated,
iconSwitchFunction: predefinedNewAction.iconSwitchFunction,
className: predefinedNewAction.className,
id: "new-action-bar",
actionCall: (): void => {
if (this.newTriggered) {
return {
isPresent: searchFormActionBarConfig.isPresent,
actions: [actionNew, actionSearch, actionReset, ...searchFormActionBarConfig.actions]
* Emit the form through "searchTriggered" event emitter then hide the search form based on hideOnSearch variable
public triggerSearch(): void {
if (this.hideOnSearch) {
* Hide the search form and emit a boolean through formVisibilityChanged event emitter that indicates if the search is displayed
public hideForm(): void {
if (!this.isFormHidden) {
this.isFormHidden = true;
// by the moment, the callback is called only when the form is hidden
* @ignore
public trackItemFn(_index: number, formButton: StarkFormButton): string {
[@collapse]="isFormHidden ? 'closed' : 'open'"
<stark-action-bar *ngIf="actionBarConfig.isPresent" mode="full" [actionBarConfig]="actionBarConfig" actionBarId="search-action-bar">
<div class="stark-form-actions">
[matTooltip]=" | translate"
<span translate>{{ }}</span>
[matTooltip]="normalizedFormButtonsConfig.reset.label | translate"
<span translate>{{ normalizedFormButtonsConfig.reset.label }}</span>
[matTooltip]=" | translate"
<span translate>{{ }}</span>
<ng-container *ngFor="let formButton of normalizedFormButtonsConfig.custom; trackBy: trackItemFn">
[ngClass]="formButton.className || ''"
<mat-icon *ngIf="formButton.icon" [matTooltip]="formButton.label | translate" [svgIcon]="formButton.icon"></mat-icon>
<span>{{ formButton.label | translate }}</span>