


Directive to display a timestamp mask in input elements. This directive internally uses the text-mask-core library to provide the input mask functionality.

IMPORTANT: Currently the Number Mask supports only input of type text, tel, url, password, and search. Due to a limitation in browser API, other input types, such as email or number, cannot be supported.

Disabling the mask

Passing an undefined value as config to the directive will disable the mask.

Example :
<input type="text" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
<!-- or -->
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="yourModelValue" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
<!-- or -->
<input type="text" [formControl]="yourFormControl" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">









Public constructor(_renderer: Renderer2, _elementRef: ElementRef, _compositionMode: boolean)

Class constructor

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
_renderer Renderer2 No
  • Angular Renderer2 wrapper for DOM manipulations.
_elementRef ElementRef No
  • Reference to the DOM element where this directive is applied to.
_compositionMode boolean No
  • Injected token to control if form directives buffer IME input until the "compositionend" event occurs.


Type : StarkTimestampMaskConfig

Configuration object for the mask to be displayed in the input field.


Public convertFormatIntoMask
convertFormatIntoMask(format: string)

Construct a valid Mask out of the given timestamp format string

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
format string No
  • The timestamp format string
Returns : MaskArray
Public ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges)

Component lifecycle hook

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
changes SimpleChanges No
  • Contains the changed properties
Returns : void
Public normalizeMaskConfig
normalizeMaskConfig(maskConfig?: StarkTimestampMaskConfig)

Create a valid configuration to be passed to the MaskedInputDirective

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
maskConfig StarkTimestampMaskConfig Yes
  • The provided configuration via the directive's input
Returns : Ng2TextMaskConfig


Private Readonly defaultTimestampMaskConfig
Type : StarkTimestampMaskConfig
Default value : { format: DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT }

Default configuration. It will be merged with the configuration passed to the directive.

import { Directive, ElementRef, forwardRef, Inject, Input, OnChanges, Optional, Provider, Renderer2, SimpleChanges } from "@angular/core";
import { COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from "@angular/forms";
import { MaskedInputDirective, TextMaskConfig as Ng2TextMaskConfig } from "angular2-text-mask";
import { MaskArray } from "text-mask-core";
import { StarkTimestampMaskConfig } from "./timestamp-mask-config.intf";
import { createTimestampPipe } from "./timestamp-pipe.fn";

 * @ignore
const directiveName = "[starkTimestampMask]";

 * The Time date format that is used when no other is specified.

 * @ignore
	// eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/no-forward-ref
	useExisting: forwardRef(() => StarkTimestampMaskDirective),
	multi: true

 * Directive to display a timestamp mask in input elements. This directive internally uses the {@link|text-mask-core} library
 * to provide the input mask functionality.
 * **`IMPORTANT:`** Currently the Number Mask supports only input of type text, tel, url, password, and search.
 * Due to a limitation in browser API, other input types, such as email or number, cannot be supported.
 * ### Disabling the mask
 * Passing an `undefined` value as config to the directive will disable the mask.
 * @example
 * <input type="text" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
 * <!-- or -->
 * <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="yourModelValue" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
 * <!-- or -->
 * <input type="text" [formControl]="yourFormControl" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
	host: {
		"(input)": "_handleInput($",
		"(blur)": "onTouched()",
		"(compositionstart)": "_compositionStart()",
		"(compositionend)": "_compositionEnd($"
	selector: directiveName,
	exportAs: "starkTimestampMask",
export class StarkTimestampMaskDirective extends MaskedInputDirective implements OnChanges {
	 * Default configuration.
	 * It will be merged with the configuration passed to the directive.
	private readonly defaultTimestampMaskConfig: StarkTimestampMaskConfig = {

	 * Configuration object for the mask to be displayed in the input field.
	/* eslint-disable @angular-eslint/no-input-rename */
	public maskConfig?: StarkTimestampMaskConfig;

	 * @ignore
	public elementRef: ElementRef;

	 * Class constructor
	 * @param _renderer - Angular `Renderer2` wrapper for DOM manipulations.
	 * @param _elementRef - Reference to the DOM element where this directive is applied to.
	 * @param _compositionMode - Injected token to control if form directives buffer IME input until the "compositionend" event occurs.
	public constructor(
		_renderer: Renderer2,
		_elementRef: ElementRef,
		@Optional() @Inject(COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE) _compositionMode: boolean
	) {
		super(_renderer, _elementRef, _compositionMode);
		this.elementRef = _elementRef;

	 * Component lifecycle hook
	 * @param changes - Contains the changed properties
	public override ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
		this.textMaskConfig = this.normalizeMaskConfig(this.maskConfig);


		// TODO: temporary workaround to update the model when the maskConfig changes since this is not yet implemented in text-mask and still being discussed
		// see:
		if (changes["maskConfig"] && !changes["maskConfig"].isFirstChange() && this.textMaskConfig.mask !== false) {
			// trigger a dummy "input" event in the input to trigger the changes in the model (only if the mask was not disabled!)
			const ev: Event = document.createEvent("Event");
			ev.initEvent("input", true, true);

	 * Create a valid configuration to be passed to the MaskedInputDirective
	 * @param maskConfig - The provided configuration via the directive's input
	public normalizeMaskConfig(maskConfig?: StarkTimestampMaskConfig): Ng2TextMaskConfig {
		if (typeof maskConfig === "undefined") {
			return { mask: false }; // remove the mask

		// TODO: Ng2TextMaskConfig is not the same as Core TextMaskConfig
		const timestampMaskConfig: StarkTimestampMaskConfig = { ...this.defaultTimestampMaskConfig, ...maskConfig };

		return {
			pipe: <any>createTimestampPipe(timestampMaskConfig.format),
			mask: this.convertFormatIntoMask(timestampMaskConfig.format),
			placeholderChar: "_",
			keepCharPositions: true // to avoid weird date values when deleting characters (see

	 * Construct a valid Mask out of the given timestamp format string
	 * @param format - The timestamp format string
	public convertFormatIntoMask(format: string): MaskArray {
		const mask: MaskArray = [];
		for (let i = 0; i < format.length; i++) {
			if (
				format.charAt(i) === "D" ||
				format.charAt(i) === "M" ||
				format.charAt(i) === "Y" ||
				format.charAt(i) === "H" ||
				format.charAt(i) === "m" ||
				format.charAt(i) === "s"
			) {
				mask[i] = /\d/;
			} else {
				mask[i] = format.charAt(i);
		return mask;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""