Directive to display a timestamp mask in input elements. This directive internally uses the text-mask-core library to provide the input mask functionality.
Currently the Number Mask supports only input of type text, tel, url, password, and search.
Due to a limitation in browser API, other input types, such as email or number, cannot be supported.
Passing an undefined
value as config to the directive will disable the mask.
<input type="text" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
<!-- or -->
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="yourModelValue" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
<!-- or -->
<input type="text" [formControl]="yourFormControl" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
Providers |
Selector | directiveName |
exportAs | starkTimestampMask |
Properties |
Methods |
Inputs |
constructor(_renderer: Renderer2, _elementRef: ElementRef, _compositionMode: boolean)
Class constructor
Parameters :
starkTimestampMask | |
Type : StarkTimestampMaskConfig
Configuration object for the mask to be displayed in the input field. |
Public convertFormatIntoMask | ||||||||
convertFormatIntoMask(format: string)
Construct a valid Mask out of the given timestamp format string
Parameters :
Returns :
Public ngOnChanges | ||||||||
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges)
Component lifecycle hook
Parameters :
Returns :
Public normalizeMaskConfig | ||||||||
normalizeMaskConfig(maskConfig?: StarkTimestampMaskConfig)
Create a valid configuration to be passed to the MaskedInputDirective
Parameters :
Returns :
Private Readonly defaultTimestampMaskConfig |
Type : StarkTimestampMaskConfig
Default value : {
Default configuration. It will be merged with the configuration passed to the directive. |
import { Directive, ElementRef, forwardRef, Inject, Input, OnChanges, Optional, Provider, Renderer2, SimpleChanges } from "@angular/core";
import { COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from "@angular/forms";
import { MaskedInputDirective, TextMaskConfig as Ng2TextMaskConfig } from "angular2-text-mask";
import { MaskArray } from "text-mask-core";
import { StarkTimestampMaskConfig } from "./timestamp-mask-config.intf";
import { createTimestampPipe } from "./timestamp-pipe.fn";
* @ignore
const directiveName = "[starkTimestampMask]";
* The Time date format that is used when no other is specified.
* @ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/no-forward-ref
useExisting: forwardRef(() => StarkTimestampMaskDirective),
multi: true
* Directive to display a timestamp mask in input elements. This directive internally uses the {@link|text-mask-core} library
* to provide the input mask functionality.
* **`IMPORTANT:`** Currently the Number Mask supports only input of type text, tel, url, password, and search.
* Due to a limitation in browser API, other input types, such as email or number, cannot be supported.
* ### Disabling the mask
* Passing an `undefined` value as config to the directive will disable the mask.
* @example
* <input type="text" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
* <!-- or -->
* <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="yourModelValue" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
* <!-- or -->
* <input type="text" [formControl]="yourFormControl" [starkTimestampMask]="yourMaskConfig">
host: {
"(input)": "_handleInput($",
"(blur)": "onTouched()",
"(compositionstart)": "_compositionStart()",
"(compositionend)": "_compositionEnd($"
selector: directiveName,
exportAs: "starkTimestampMask",
export class StarkTimestampMaskDirective extends MaskedInputDirective implements OnChanges {
* Default configuration.
* It will be merged with the configuration passed to the directive.
private readonly defaultTimestampMaskConfig: StarkTimestampMaskConfig = {
* Configuration object for the mask to be displayed in the input field.
/* eslint-disable @angular-eslint/no-input-rename */
public maskConfig?: StarkTimestampMaskConfig;
* @ignore
public elementRef: ElementRef;
* Class constructor
* @param _renderer - Angular `Renderer2` wrapper for DOM manipulations.
* @param _elementRef - Reference to the DOM element where this directive is applied to.
* @param _compositionMode - Injected token to control if form directives buffer IME input until the "compositionend" event occurs.
public constructor(
_renderer: Renderer2,
_elementRef: ElementRef,
@Optional() @Inject(COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE) _compositionMode: boolean
) {
super(_renderer, _elementRef, _compositionMode);
this.elementRef = _elementRef;
* Component lifecycle hook
* @param changes - Contains the changed properties
public override ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
this.textMaskConfig = this.normalizeMaskConfig(this.maskConfig);
// TODO: temporary workaround to update the model when the maskConfig changes since this is not yet implemented in text-mask and still being discussed
// see:
if (changes["maskConfig"] && !changes["maskConfig"].isFirstChange() && this.textMaskConfig.mask !== false) {
// trigger a dummy "input" event in the input to trigger the changes in the model (only if the mask was not disabled!)
const ev: Event = document.createEvent("Event");
ev.initEvent("input", true, true);
* Create a valid configuration to be passed to the MaskedInputDirective
* @param maskConfig - The provided configuration via the directive's input
public normalizeMaskConfig(maskConfig?: StarkTimestampMaskConfig): Ng2TextMaskConfig {
if (typeof maskConfig === "undefined") {
return { mask: false }; // remove the mask
// TODO: Ng2TextMaskConfig is not the same as Core TextMaskConfig
const timestampMaskConfig: StarkTimestampMaskConfig = { ...this.defaultTimestampMaskConfig, ...maskConfig };
return {
pipe: <any>createTimestampPipe(timestampMaskConfig.format),
mask: this.convertFormatIntoMask(timestampMaskConfig.format),
placeholderChar: "_",
keepCharPositions: true // to avoid weird date values when deleting characters (see
* Construct a valid Mask out of the given timestamp format string
* @param format - The timestamp format string
public convertFormatIntoMask(format: string): MaskArray {
const mask: MaskArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < format.length; i++) {
if (
format.charAt(i) === "D" ||
format.charAt(i) === "M" ||
format.charAt(i) === "Y" ||
format.charAt(i) === "H" ||
format.charAt(i) === "m" ||
format.charAt(i) === "s"
) {
mask[i] = /\d/;
} else {
mask[i] = format.charAt(i);
return mask;