


Definition of a column in the Stark Table




cellClassName: | string
Type : | string

Function that returns class(es) to be set to an specific cell. It can be used to set different classes depending on the row, value and or columnName. This function is called with 3 parameters:

This could also be a static string with class(es)

cellFormatter: function
Type : function

Function that returns a formatted value (string) to be set in the cell. It can be used to set different formats depending on the row, value and or columnName. This function is called with 3 parameters:

compareFn: function
Type : function

Function that returns 1 : if val1 > val2 0 : if val1 === val2 -1 : if val1 < val2

footerValue: string | number
Type : string | number

Value to be shown as the column's footer.

Default: if there is no footer defined here and in any other column, then it won't be displayed. Otherwise, if at least one of the other columns defines a footer, then the footer of this column will be displayed as empty

headerClassName: string
Type : string

Class(es) to be set to the column's header.

isFilterable: boolean
Type : boolean

Whether the column is filterable or not.

Default: true

isSortable: boolean
Type : boolean

Whether the column is sortable or not.

Default: true

isVisible: boolean
Type : boolean

Whether the column should initially be shown.

Default: true

label: string
Type : string

Label to be shown as the column's title.

Default: the column's name

name: string
Type : string

Name of the property that will be the source of the column.

onClickCallback: function
Type : function

Callback triggered when a cell in the column is clicked. This function is called with 3 parameters:

priority: StarkTableColumnPriority
Type : StarkTableColumnPriority

Priority of the column.

Default: PERSIST

import { StarkTableColumnPriority } from "./column-priority.intf";

 * Definition of a column in the Stark Table
export interface StarkTableColumnProperties {
	 * Function that returns class(es) to be set to an specific cell. It can be used to set different classes
	 * depending on the row, value and or columnName. This function is called with 3 parameters:
	 * @param value - The value of the cell
	 * @param row - The row object that contains the cell
	 * @param columnName - The column that the cell belongs to
	 * This could also be a static string with class(es)
	cellClassName?: ((value: any, row?: object, columnName?: string) => string) | string;

	 * Function that returns a formatted value (string) to be set in the cell. It can be used to set different formats
	 * depending on the row, value and or columnName. This function is called with 3 parameters:
	 * @param value - The value of the cell to be formatted
	 * @param row - The row object that contains the cell
	 * @param columnName - The column that the cell belongs to
	cellFormatter?: (value: any, row?: object, columnName?: string) => string;

	 * Function that returns
	 *   1 : if val1 > val2
	 *   0 : if val1 === val2
	 *  -1 : if val1 < val2
	 * @param val1 - First value in the comparison
	 * @param val2 - Second value in the comparison
	compareFn?: (val1: any, val2: any) => number;

	 * Class(es) to be set to the column's header.
	headerClassName?: string;

	 * Whether the column is filterable or not.
	 * Default: `true`
	isFilterable?: boolean;

	 * Whether the column is sortable or not.
	 * Default: `true`
	isSortable?: boolean;

	 * Whether the column should initially be shown.
	 * Default: `true`
	isVisible?: boolean;

	 * Label to be shown as the column's title.
	 * Default: the column's name
	label?: string;

	 * Value to be shown as the column's footer.
	 * Default: if there is no footer defined here and in any other column,
	 * then it won't be displayed. Otherwise, if at least one of the other columns defines a footer,
	 * then the footer of this column will be displayed as empty
	footerValue?: string | number;

	 * Name of the property that will be the source of the column.
	name: string;

	 * Callback triggered when a cell in the column is clicked. This function is called with 3 parameters:
	 * @param value - The value of the cell that was clicked
	 * @param row - The row object that contains the cell that was clicked
	 * @param columnName - The column that the cell belongs to
	onClickCallback?: (value: any, row?: object, columnName?: string) => void;

	 * Priority of the column.
	 * Default: `PERSIST`
	 * @deprecated
	priority?: StarkTableColumnPriority;

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