This component provides a generic way to handle search flow in your application. You only need to provide this component with your custom search form via transclusion and the necessary methods to perform the search. Finally this component will return the results in an Observable that you can subscribe to.
For using the Generic Search component, you must have an entity that describes your object. For some reasons, the entity which describes the search form could be different than the object and in this case, it is necessary to create a different entity to describe this search object.
This HowTo presents the usage of the Generic Search component with the search entity. Obviously, if you don't need a specific entity for the search, you could just replace the "Search entity" by the entity of your object in the code of the controllers, reducers and services that follow.
For the following example, we need this entity:
Example :import { StarkResource } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-core";
import { autoserialize } from "cerialize";
export class MovieObject implements StarkResource {
public uuid: string;
public year: number;
public hero: string;
public title: string;
Under the src/app/modules/
export class MovieSearchCriteria {
public year?: string;
public hero?: string;
public title?: string;
Generate your form component in src/app/modules/
ng generate component src/app/modules/my_module/components/my_component-search-form
The component must only have one input binding, the object which describes the content of the form. And the component have the output binding "workingCopyChanged" to emit a new value of the search criteria when they change.
Example :import { Component, EventEmitter, Inject, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges } from "@angular/core";
import { StarkSearchFormComponent } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui";
import { MovieSearchCriteria } from "../entities";
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup } from "@angular/forms";
import { DEMO_GENERIC_SERVICE, DemoGenericService } from "../services";
const _isEqual: Function = require("lodash/isEqual");
selector: "movie-search-form",
templateUrl: "./movie-search-form.component.html"
export class MovieSearchFormComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, StarkSearchFormComponent<MovieSearchCriteria> {
public searchCriteria: MovieSearchCriteria = {};
public workingCopyChanged: EventEmitter<MovieSearchCriteria> = new EventEmitter();
public yearOptions: number[] = [];
public heroOptions: string[] = [];
public movieOptions: string[] = [];
public searchForm: FormGroup;
public constructor(
@Inject(DEMO_GENERIC_SERVICE) private genericService: DemoGenericService,
private formBuilder: FormBuilder
) {}
public ngOnInit(): void {
this.searchForm = this.createSearchForm(this.searchCriteria);
this.searchForm.valueChanges.subscribe(() => {
const modifiedCriteria: MovieSearchCriteria = this.mapFormGroupToSearchCriteria(this.searchForm);
// ...
public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
if (
changes["searchCriteria"] &&
!changes["searchCriteria"].isFirstChange() &&
!_isEqual(changes["searchCriteria"].previousValue, this.searchCriteria)
) {
public createSearchForm(searchCriteria: MovieSearchCriteria): FormGroup {
year: searchCriteria.year,
hero: searchCriteria.hero,
public resetSearchForm(searchCriteria: MovieSearchCriteria): void {
// reset the form fields but don't emit a "change" event to statusChanges and valueChanges to avoid infinite loops!
year: searchCriteria.year,
hero: searchCriteria.hero,
{ emitEvent: false }
public mapFormGroupToSearchCriteria(formGroup: FormGroup): MovieSearchCriteria {
// return formGroup.getRawValue();
return {
year: formGroup.controls["year"].value,
hero: formGroup.controls["hero"].value,
title: formGroup.controls["title"].value
* @ignore
public trackItemFn(item: string): string {
return item;
<div fxLayout="row wrap">
<!-- Year -->
<div fxFlex>
<input type="text" placeholder="Year" matInput [formControl]="searchForm.controls['year']" [matAutocomplete]="yearAutocomplete" />
<mat-autocomplete #yearAutocomplete="matAutocomplete">
<mat-option *ngFor="let option of yearOptions; trackBy: trackItemFn" [value]="option">{{ option }}</mat-option>
<!-- Hero -->
<div fxFlex>
<input type="text" placeholder="Hero" matInput [formControl]="searchForm.controls['hero']" [matAutocomplete]="heroAutocomplete" />
<mat-autocomplete #heroAutocomplete="matAutocomplete">
<mat-option *ngFor="let option of heroOptions; trackBy: trackItemFn" [value]="option">{{ option }}</mat-option>
<!-- Movie -->
<div fxFlex>
<input type="text" placeholder="Movie" matInput [formControl]="searchForm.controls['movie']" [matAutocomplete]="movieAutocomplete" />
<mat-autocomplete #movieAutocomplete="matAutocomplete">
<mat-option *ngFor="let option of movieOptions; trackBy: trackItemFn" [value]="option">{{ option }}</mat-option>
Under the src/app/modules/<module-name>/actions
folder create the files movies-search.actions.ts and index.ts.
The following actions should be defined to make your GenericSearch working perfectly.
Example :import { createAction, props, union } from "@ngrx/store";
import { MovieSearchCriteria } from "../entities";
export const setCriteria = createAction("[MovieSearch] Set criteria", props<{ criteria: MovieSearchCriteria }>());
export const removeCriteria = createAction("[MovieSearch] Remove criteria");
export const hasSearched = createAction("[MovieSearch] Has searched");
export const hasSearchedReset = createAction("[MovieSearch] Has searched reset");
* @ignore
const all = union({ setCriteria, removeCriteria, hasSearched, hasSearchedReset });
export type Types = typeof all;
Export all the actions as follows in your barrel (index.ts):
import * as MovieSearchActions from "./movies-search.actions"; export { MovieSearchActions };
Obviously, you'll have to export everything from your actions.ts file in your barrel (index.ts).
Under the src/app/modules/<module-name>/reducers
folder create the files movie-search.reducer.ts and index.ts.
The reducer must contain the following options.
Don't forget to rename every variable and function that contain "movies" with your used type.
Example :import { StarkSearchState } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui";
import { createReducer, on } from "@ngrx/store";
import { MovieSearchCriteria } from "../entities/movies-search.entity";
import { MovieSearchActions } from "../actions";
const INITIAL_STATE: Readonly<StarkSearchState<MovieSearchCriteria>> = {
criteria: new MovieSearchCriteria(),
hasBeenSearched: false
const reducer = createReducer<StarkSearchState<MovieSearchCriteria>, MovieSearchActions.Types>(
on(DemoGenericSearchActions.setCriteria, (state, action) => ({ ...state, criteria: action.criteria })),
on(DemoGenericSearchActions.removeCriteria, (state) => ({ ...state, criteria: INITIAL_STATE.criteria })),
on(DemoGenericSearchActions.hasSearched, (state) => ({ ...state, hasBeenSearched: true })),
on(DemoGenericSearchActions.hasSearchedReset, (state) => ({ ...state, hasBeenSearched: false }))
export function movieSearchReducer(
state: Readonly<StarkSearchState<MovieSearchCriteria>> | undefined,
action: Readonly<MovieSearchActions.Types>
): Readonly<StarkSearchState<MovieSearchCriteria>> {
return reducer(state, action);
Copy the following snippet in your reducers/index.ts file.
Don't forget to rename every variable and function that contain "movies" with your used type.
Example :import { StarkSearchState } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui";
import { ActionReducerMap, createSelector, MemoizedSelector, createFeatureSelector } from "@ngrx/store";
import { MovieSearchCriteria } from "../entities";
import { MovieSearchActions } from "../actions";
import { movieSearchReducer } from "./movie-search.reducer";
export interface MovieSearchState {
movieSearch: StarkSearchState<MovieSearchCriteria>;
export const movieSearchReducers: ActionReducerMap<MovieSearchState, MovieSearchActions.Types> = {
movieSearch: movieSearchReducer
export const selectMovieSearch: MemoizedSelector<object, StarkSearchState<MovieSearchCriteria>> = createSelector(
(state: MovieSearchState) => state.movieSearch
In your module file, add the following import to be able to use your reducers.
Example :// imports
import { StoreModule } from "@ngrx/store";
import { movieSearchReducers } from "./reducers";
imports: [
// ...
StoreModule.forFeature("MovieSearch", movieSearchReducers)
export class MyModule {}
The search service is an implementation of the Stark Generic Search Service.
It must contain these functions :
The search service depends on the type.repository.ts.
You need to create a Search service interface that extends the StarkGenericSearchService interface and pass the type of the data in the extension. Firstly the main entity, Movie in this case, and secondly the search entity, MovieSearch still for this case.
Example :import { MovieObject, MovieSearchCriteria } from "../entities";
import { StarkGenericSearchService } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui";
import { InjectionToken } from "@angular/core";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
export const movieServiceName: string = "DemoGenericService";
export const MOVIE_SERVICE: InjectionToken<MovieService> = new InjectionToken<MovieService>(movieServiceName);
export interface MovieService extends StarkGenericSearchService<MovieObject, MovieSearchCriteria> {
getYears(): Observable<number[]>;
getMovies(): Observable<string[]>;
getHeroes(): Observable<string[]>;
You need
Example :import { MovieService } from "./demo-generic.service.intf";
import { Inject, Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { Observable, of } from "rxjs";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";
import { StarkSearchState } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui";
import { MovieObject, MovieSearchCriteria } from "../entities";
import { MovieSearchState, selectMovieSearch } from "../reducers";
import { MOVIE_REPOSITORY, MovieRepository } from "../repositories";
import { Store, select } from "@ngrx/store";
import { MovieSearchActions } from "../actions";
export class DemoGenericServiceImpl implements MovieService {
public constructor(
private store: Store<MovieSearchState>,
@Inject(MOVIE_REPOSITORY) private movieRepository: MovieRepository
) {}
public getSearchState(): Observable<StarkSearchState<MovieSearchCriteria>> {
public resetSearchState(): void {;;
public search(criteria: MovieSearchCriteria): Observable<MovieObject[]> {{ criteria }));;
Then don't forget to declare your service in your module :blush:
Generate your search component page in src/app/modules/
ng generate component src/app/modules/my_module/pages/my_component-search-page
The component extends the AbstractStarkSearchComponent and pass the type of the data in the extension. Firstly the main entity, Movie in this case, and secondly the search entity, MovieSearch still for this case. This component controller describes the different elements necessary for the Stark Table, as the StarkPaginationConfig and the StarkTableColumnProperties.
Also, this component's controller must call the parent function ngOnInit in the ngOnInit function.
Example :import { Component, Inject, OnDestroy, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
import { STARK_LOGGING_SERVICE, StarkLoggingService } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-core";
import { AbstractStarkSearchComponent, StarkPaginationConfig, StarkTableColumnProperties } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui";
import { Movie, MovieSearchCriteria } from "./entities";
import { MOVIE_SERVICE, MovieService } from "./services";
selector: "movie-search",
templateUrl: "./movie-search-page.component.html"
export class MovieSearchPageComponent extends AbstractStarkSearchComponent<Movie, MovieSearchCriteria> implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
public columnsProperties: StarkTableColumnProperties[];
public searchResults: Movie[];
public paginationConfig: StarkPaginationConfig;
public constructor(@Inject(STARK_LOGGING_SERVICE) logger: StarkLoggingService, @Inject(MOVIE_SERVICE) demoGenericService: MovieService) {
super(demoGenericService, logger);
this.performSearchOnInit = true; // Turn on automatic search (last search criteria)
this.preserveLatestResults = true; // Keep a reference to the latest results in the latestResults variable
* Component lifecycle hook
public override ngOnInit(): void {
this.results$.subscribe((movies: Movie[]) => (this.searchResults = movies));
this.columnsProperties = [
name: "hero",
label: "Hero",
isFilterable: true,
isSortable: true
name: "title",
label: "Title",
isFilterable: true,
isSortable: true
name: "year",
label: "Year",
isFilterable: true,
isSortable: true
this.paginationConfig = {
isExtended: false,
itemsPerPage: 10,
itemsPerPageOptions: [10, 20, 50],
itemsPerPageIsPresent: true,
page: 1,
pageNavIsPresent: true,
pageInputIsPresent: true
* Component lifecycle hook
public override ngOnDestroy(): void {
The template contains all information necessary for a page, the title and the stark-generic-search component. The usage of Generic Search component is explained in the StarkGenericSearchComponent API documentation.
Example :<h1 class="mat-display-3" translate>Movie Search</h1>
<section class="stark-section">
<movies-search-form #searchForm [searchCriteria]="workingCopy" (workingCopyChanged)="updateWorkingCopy($event)"></movies-search-form>