Directive to transform the input value of an input or textarea. It sits between the native element and the ngControl (ngModel/formControl) so observers are triggered only once. This directive will not affect changes applied trough code, only user input will be transformed. This means i.a. initial values are not transformed.
It is possible to pass 'uppercase', 'lowercase' or a custom function to transform the value. This directive works if the input is controlled or not.
Example :<input [(ngModel)] StarkTransformInputDirective="uppercase" />
// OR
<input [formControl] StarkTransformInputDirective="lowercase" />
// OR
<input StarkTransformInputDirective="someFunction" />
Providers |
Selector | [starkTransformInput] |
Methods |
Inputs |
Accessors |
constructor(_renderer: Renderer2, _elementRef: ElementRef)
Class constructor
Parameters :
starkTransformInput | |
Type : StarkInputTransformationType
Transformation to be done on the input value |
Public _onInput | ||||||||
_onInput(event: Event)
Listens to input event from the native element
Parameters :
Returns :
Public ngOnChanges |
Angular life cycle hook
Returns :
Public registerOnChange | ||||||||
registerOnChange(fn: (_: any) => void)
Registers a function called when the control value changes.
Parameters :
Returns :
Public registerOnTouched | ||||||||
registerOnTouched(fn: () => void)
Registers a function called when the control is touched.
Parameters :
Returns :
Public setDisabledState | ||||||||
setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean)
Sets the "disabled" property on the input element.
Parameters :
Returns :
Public writeValue | ||||||||
writeValue(value: any)
Sets the "value" property on the input element.
Parameters :
Returns :
transformation | ||||||
settransformation(transformation: StarkInputTransformationType)
Transformation to be done on the input value
Parameters :
Returns :
import { Directive, ElementRef, forwardRef, Input, OnChanges, Provider, Renderer2 } from "@angular/core";
import { ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from "@angular/forms";
* The constant that contains the command for {@link StarkTransformInputDirective} to transform the input value in an element to uppercase.
export const UPPERCASE: "uppercase" = "uppercase";
* The constant that contains the command for {@link StarkTransformInputDirective} to transform the input value in an element to lowercase.
export const LOWERCASE: "lowercase" = "lowercase";
* Type of transformations that can be done via the {@link StarkTransformInputDirective}
export type StarkInputTransformationType = typeof UPPERCASE | typeof LOWERCASE | ((value: any) => any);
* Provider for {@link StarkTransformInputDirective}
export const STARK_TRANSFORM_INPUT_PROVIDER: Provider = {
// eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/no-forward-ref
useExisting: forwardRef(() => StarkTransformInputDirective),
multi: true
* Directive to transform the input value of an input or textarea. It sits between the native element and the ngControl (ngModel/formControl) so observers are triggered only once.
* This directive will not affect changes applied trough code, only user input will be transformed. This means i.a. initial values are not transformed.
* It is possible to pass 'uppercase', 'lowercase' or a custom function to transform the value. This directive works if the input is controlled or not.
* @example
* <input [(ngModel)] StarkTransformInputDirective="uppercase" />
* // OR
* <input [formControl] StarkTransformInputDirective="lowercase" />
* // OR
* <input StarkTransformInputDirective="someFunction" />
// eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/directive-selector
selector: "[starkTransformInput]",
host: {
"(input)": "_onInput($event)",
"(blur)": "_onTouched()"
export class StarkTransformInputDirective implements ControlValueAccessor, OnChanges {
* @ignore
* Internal property for holding the transformation function
public _transformation: (value: any) => any = (value: any): any => value;
* Transformation to be done on the input value
// eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/no-input-rename
public set transformation(transformation: StarkInputTransformationType) {
switch (transformation) {
this._transformation = (v: string): string => v.toUpperCase();
this._transformation = (v: string): string => v.toLocaleLowerCase();
this._transformation = transformation;
* @ignore
* The registered callback function called when an input event occurs on the input element.
private _onChange: (_: any) => void = (_: any) => {
/* noop*/
* @ignore
* The registered callback function called when a blur event occurs on the input element.
public _onTouched: () => void = (): void => {
/* noop*/
* Class constructor
* @param _renderer - Angular renderer
* @param _elementRef - Reference to the DOM element where this directive is applied to.
public constructor(
private _renderer: Renderer2,
private _elementRef: ElementRef
) {}
* Angular life cycle hook
public ngOnChanges(): void {
// Type guard
if (typeof this._transformation !== "function" && ![UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE].includes(this._transformation)) {
throw Error("[starkTransformInput]: the transformation input is not valid. It should be of type StarkInputTransformationType");
* Sets the "value" property on the input element.
* @param value - The checked value
public writeValue(value: any): void {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null
const normalizedValue: any = value === null ? "" : value;
this._renderer.setProperty(this._elementRef.nativeElement, "value", normalizedValue);
* Registers a function called when the control value changes.
* @param fn - The callback function
public registerOnChange(fn: (_: any) => void): void {
this._onChange = fn;
* Registers a function called when the control is touched.
* @param fn - The callback function
public registerOnTouched(fn: () => void): void {
this._onTouched = fn;
* Sets the "disabled" property on the input element.
* @param isDisabled - The disabled value
public setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void {
this._renderer.setProperty(this._elementRef.nativeElement, "disabled", isDisabled);
* Listens to input event from the native element
* @param event - The handled event
public _onInput(event: Event): void {
const value: any = (<HTMLInputElement>;
const transformed: any = this._transformation(value);
if (transformed !== value) {
this._elementRef.nativeElement.value = transformed;
} else {