AlignTypes |
Type of alignment that can be set |
StarkMessagePaneNavItem |
Type of messages that can be displayed in the message pane |
StarkActionBarButtonColor |
StarkActionBarComponentMode |
StarkAlertDialogResult |
Possible results of the StarkAlertDialogComponent after being closed.
StarkAppDataComponentMode |
Modes in which the StarkAppDataComponent can be displayed |
StarkAppSidebarLeftMode |
StarkConfirmDialogResult |
Possible results of the StarkConfirmDialogComponent after being closed.
StarkDateInput |
Type expected by StarkDatePickerComponent max and StarkDatePickerComponent min inputs. |
StarkDatePickerFilter |
Type expected by StarkDatePickerComponent dateFilter input. |
StarkDatePickerMaskConfig |
Type expected by StarkDatePickerComponent maskConfig input. |
StarkFormButtonColor |
Predefined colors for form buttons |
StarkFormControlState |
StarkFormState |
StarkInputTransformationType |
Type of transformations that can be done via the StarkTransformInputDirective |
StarkLanguageSelectorMode |
StarkMinimapComponentMode |
StarkPaginationComponentMode |
The available modes for the StarkPaginationComponent |
StarkPrettyPrintFormat |
The code languages that are supported by the Stark-Pretty-Print component |
StarkPromptDialogResult |
Possible results of the StarkPromptDialogComponent after being closed.
StarkRouteSearchDirection |
Direction in which the Route Search field can be displayed |
StarkTableColumnSortingDirection |
Column sorting directions of the StarkTableComponent |
StarkToastNotificationPosition |
Type defining the position of the MatSnackBar on the screen. |
Types |
Types |