Component to display array data in a table layout.
changeDetection | ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default |
encapsulation | ViewEncapsulation.None |
host | { |
selector | stark-table |
templateUrl | ./table.component.html |
constructor(logger: StarkLoggingService, dialogService: MatDialog, cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef, renderer: Renderer2, elementRef: ElementRef)
Class constructor
Parameters :
columnProperties | |
Type : StarkTableColumnProperties[]
Array of StarkTableColumnProperties objects which define the columns of the data table. |
customTableActions | |
Type : StarkAction[]
Array of StarkAction objects. |
customTableActionsType | |
Type : "regular" | "alt"
Default value : "regular"
Mode in which the custom actions will be displayed in the table |
data | |
Type : object[]
Default value : []
Data that will be display inside your table. |
expandedRowFn | |
Type : function
Default value : (expandedRow: object, row: object): boolean =>
expandedRow === row
Function to see if a row is collapsed |
expandedRows | |
Type : object[]
Default value : []
Active row that should be collapsed |
filter | |
Type : StarkTableFilter
Object which contains filtering information for the table. |
fixedHeader | |
Type : boolean
Allows to fix the header to the top of the scrolling viewport containing the table.
Setting the attribute to The class
If you need to change the height, please redefine the value for |
htmlId | |
Type : string
HTML id of the table |
minimap | |
Type : boolean | StarkMinimapComponentMode
Default value : true
Shows or hides the StarkMinimapComponent in the header. When set to 'compact' it shows the compacted minimap |
multiSelect | |
Type : string
Allows multiple row selection. Setting the attribute to "true" or empty will enable this feature. |
multiSort | |
Type : boolean
Allows sorting by multiple columns. Setting the attribute to "true" or empty will enable this feature. |
orderProperties | |
Type : string[]
Columns to be sorted by default |
paginate | |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Whether to display the pagination component |
paginationConfig | |
Type : StarkPaginationConfig
Default value : {}
StarkPaginationConfig object for the embedded StarkPaginationComponent IMPORTANT: the pagination component is displayed in "compact" mode |
rowClassNameFn | |
Type : function
Function to generate classNames for rows |
rowsSelectable | |
Type : boolean
Determine if you can select the rows in the table |
selection | |
Type : SelectionModel<object>
Angular CDK selection model used for the "master" selection of the table |
showRowIndex | |
Type : boolean
Determine if the row index must be present or not. Default: |
showRowsCounter | |
Type : boolean
Determine if the item counter is enabled. Shows how many items are in the data object array. Default: |
tableRowActions | |
Type : StarkTableRowActions
Default value : { actions: [] }
StarkActionBarConfig object for the StarkActionBarComponent to be displayed in all the rows |
tableRowsActionBarConfig | |
Type : StarkActionBarConfig
An StarkActionBarConfig object defining the different actions to be shown in each row of the table |
color | |
Type : string
Inherited from
Defined in
Color theme |
filterChanged | |
Type : EventEmitter
Output event emitter that will emit the latest filter value whenever it changes. |
rowClicked | |
Type : EventEmitter
Output event emitter that will emit the data of a row when it is clicked. If there are no observers it will not emit, but instead select the row. |
selectChanged | |
Type : EventEmitter
Output event emitter that will emit the array of selected rows. |
Private addColumnsToTable | ||||||||
addColumnsToTable(columns: StarkTableColumnComponent[])
Add the new columns defined
Parameters :
Returns :
Public applyFilter |
Trigger the filtering of the MatTableDataSource used by the MatTable
Returns :
Public getColumnFilterPosition | ||||||||
getColumnFilterPosition(columnName: string)
Get the position of the filter box of the specified column.
Parameters :
Public getColumnFilterValue | ||||||||
getColumnFilterValue(columnName: string)
Get the filter value of the specified column.
Parameters :
Returns :
string | undefined
The filter value of the specified column or undefined in case it has no filter value defined. |
Public getColumnSortingDirection | ||||||||
getColumnSortingDirection(columnName: string)
Get the sorting direction of the specified column.
Parameters :
Returns :
The sorting direction of the specified column. |
Public getColumnSortingPriority | ||||||||
getColumnSortingPriority(columnName: string)
Get the sorting priority of the specified column.
Parameters :
Returns :
number | undefined
The sorting priority of the specified column. |
Public getNormalizedFilterCriteria | ||||||||
getNormalizedFilterCriteria(filterValue: string)
Normalize the given filter value into a more complex filter criteria supporting wildcards
Parameters :
Returns :
An array containing more complex regex based on the original filter value supporting wildcards |
Public getRowClasses | ||||||||||||
getRowClasses(row: object, index: number)
Gets the class for a specific row if a rowClassNameFn function has been given as an Input. Also checks if the row is selected.
Parameters :
Returns :
The classNames generated by the rowClassNameFn function |
Public getRowIndex | ||||||||
getRowIndex(row: any)
Get the row index, based on its position in
Parameters :
Returns :
number | undefined
Private initializeDataSource |
Create and initialize the MatTableDataSource used by the MatTable
Returns :
Public isAllSelected |
Return whether the number of selected elements matches the total number of rows.
Returns :
Public isRowInExpandedRows | ||||||||
isRowInExpandedRows(row: object)
Check if a given row is inside the expandedRow.
Parameters :
Returns :
boolean |
Public masterToggle |
Selects all rows if they are not all selected; otherwise clear selection.
Returns :
Public ngAfterViewInit |
Component lifecycle hook
Returns :
Public ngOnChanges | ||||||||
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges)
Component lifecycle hook
Parameters :
Returns :
Public ngOnDestroy |
Component lifecycle hook
Returns :
Public ngOnInit |
Inherited from
Defined in
Component lifecycle hook
Returns :
Public onClearFilter |
Called when the Clear button in the filter pop-up is clicked
Returns :
Public onColumnFilterChange | ||||||||||||
onColumnFilterChange(columnName: string, filterValue?: string)
Called whenever the value of the filter input of a column changes
Parameters :
Returns :
Public onReorderChange | ||||||||
onReorderChange(column: StarkColumnSortChangedOutput)
Called whenever the sorting of any of the columns changes
Parameters :
Returns :
Public onRowClick | ||||||||
onRowClick(row: object)
Handles if a row is clicked. If there are listeners on the rowClick event of the table these should handle the event. If there are no listeners we fall back to the default behaviour, which is (de)selecting the row (if rowsSelectable is enabled)
Parameters :
Returns :
Public openMultiSortDialog |
Open the multi-sort dialog to configure the multi-column sorting of the data
Returns :
Private removeOldColumnsFromTable |
Remove the columns that were previously defined
Returns :
Public resetFilterValueOnDataChange |
Reset the filter value (global or per column) as long as the resetFilterOnDataChange (global or per column) option is enabled
Returns :
Whether the filter has been reset |
Public resetSorting | ||||||||
resetSorting(exceptColumn: StarkColumnSortChangedOutput)
Clear the sorting direction of every column in the table except for the given column (if any)
Parameters :
Returns :
Public sortData |
Sort the data according to the direction and priority (if any) defined for each column. In case there is a compareFn defined for any of the columns then such method is called to perform the custom sorting.
Returns :
Public toggleColumnVisibility | ||||||||
toggleColumnVisibility(item: StarkMinimapItemProperties)
Toggles the visibility of a column
Parameters :
Returns :
Public updateTableColumns |
Update columns of the Mat-Table component based on columnProperties.
Returns :
Public columns |
Type : StarkTableColumnComponent[]
Default value : []
Array of StarkTableColumnComponents defined in this table |
Public contentColumns |
Type : QueryList<StarkTableColumnComponent>
Decorators :
Columns added by the user via transclusion inside an element with class "stark-table-columns"
Public customRowTemplate |
Type : StarkTableRowContentDirective
Decorators :
@ContentChild(StarkTableRowContentDirective, {static: false, read: TemplateRef})
Public Optional customTableAltActions |
Type : StarkAction[]
Array of StarkAction for alt mode |
Public customTableRegularActions |
Type : StarkActionBarConfig
Default value : { actions: [] }
StarkActionBarConfig object for the StarkActionBarComponent in regular mode |
Public dataSource |
Type : MatTableDataSource<object>
MatTableDataSource associated to the MatTable embedded in this component |
Public dialogService |
Type : MatDialog
- Angular Material service to open Material Design modal dialogs.
Public displayedColumns |
Type : string[]
Default value : []
Array of columns (column id's) to be displayed in the table. |
Public expandedDetailTemplate |
Type : StarkTableExpandDetailDirective
Decorators :
@ContentChild(StarkTableExpandDetailDirective, {static: false, read: TemplateRef})
Public isFixedHeaderEnabled |
Default value : false
Whether the fixed header is enabled. |
Public isFooterEnabled |
Default value : false
Whether the footer is enabled. Default: if there is no footer defined here and in any other column, then it won't be displayed. Otherwise, if at least one of the other columns defines a footer, then the footer of this column will be displayed as empty |
Public isMultiSortEnabled |
Default value : false
Whether the sorting by multiple columns is enabled. |
Public isMultiSorting |
Default value : false
Whether the current sorting is done on multiple columns |
Public logger |
Type : StarkLoggingService
Decorators :
- The `StarkLoggingService` instance of the application.
Static ngAcceptInputType_data |
Type : object[] | undefined | null
Static ngAcceptInputType_filter |
Type : StarkTableFilter | undefined
Static ngAcceptInputType_fixedHeader |
Type : BooleanInput
Static ngAcceptInputType_multiSort |
Type : BooleanInput
Static ngAcceptInputType_showRowIndex |
Type : BooleanInput
Static ngAcceptInputType_showRowsCounter |
Type : BooleanInput
Public starkPaginator |
Type : StarkPaginationComponent
Decorators :
@ViewChild(StarkPaginationComponent, {static: false})
Reference to the MatPaginator embedded in this component |
Public table |
Type : MatTable<object>
Decorators :
@ViewChild(MatTable, {static: true})
Reference to the MatTable embedded in this component |
Public viewColumns |
Type : QueryList<StarkTableColumnComponent>
Decorators :
Columns added automatically by this component according to the |
columnProperties | ||||||
setcolumnProperties(input: StarkTableColumnProperties[])
Array of StarkTableColumnProperties objects which define the columns of the data table.
Parameters :
Returns :
_minimapItemProperties |
Return the array of StarkMinimapItemProperties to be displayed display in the table minimap component
Returns :
_visibleMinimapItems |
Return the items to be shown as "visible" in the table minimap component
Returns :
filter | ||||||
Object which contains filtering information for the table.
Returns :
setfilter(value: StarkTableFilter)
Parameters :
Returns :
fixedHeader | ||||||
setfixedHeader(value: boolean)
Allows to fix the header to the top of the scrolling viewport containing the table.
Setting the attribute to The class
If you need to change the height, please redefine the value for
Parameters :
Returns :
multiSort | ||||||
setmultiSort(value: boolean)
Allows sorting by multiple columns. Setting the attribute to "true" or empty will enable this feature.
Parameters :
Returns :
showRowsCounter | ||||||
Determine if the item counter is enabled. Shows how many items are in the data object array. Default:
Returns :
setshowRowsCounter(value: boolean)
Parameters :
Returns :
tableRowsActionBarConfig | ||||||
settableRowsActionBarConfig(config: StarkActionBarConfig)
An StarkActionBarConfig object defining the different actions to be shown in each row of the table
Parameters :
Returns :
selection | ||||||
Angular CDK selection model used for the "master" selection of the table
Returns :
setselection(selection: SelectionModel
Parameters :
Returns :
showRowIndex | ||||||
Determine if the row index must be present or not. Default:
Returns :
setshowRowIndex(value: boolean)
Parameters :
Returns :
import {
} from "@angular/core";
import { UntypedFormControl } from "@angular/forms";
import { MatLegacyDialog as MatDialog, MatLegacyDialogRef as MatDialogRef } from "@angular/material/legacy-dialog";
import {
MatLegacyColumnDef as MatColumnDef,
MatLegacyTable as MatTable,
MatLegacyTableDataSource as MatTableDataSource
} from "@angular/material/legacy-table";
import { SelectionChange, SelectionModel } from "@angular/cdk/collections";
import { BooleanInput, coerceBooleanProperty } from "@angular/cdk/coercion";
import { STARK_LOGGING_SERVICE, StarkLoggingService } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-core";
import { Subscription } from "rxjs";
import { distinctUntilChanged } from "rxjs/operators";
import { StarkTableColumnComponent } from "./column.component";
import { StarkSortingRule, StarkTableMultisortDialogComponent, StarkTableMultisortDialogData } from "./dialogs/multisort.component";
import { StarkAction, StarkActionBarConfig } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui/src/modules/action-bar";
import {
} from "../entities";
import { AbstractStarkUiComponent } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui/src/internal-common";
import { StarkPaginateEvent, StarkPaginationComponent, StarkPaginationConfig } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui/src/modules/pagination";
import { StarkMinimapComponentMode, StarkMinimapItemProperties } from "@nationalbankbelgium/stark-ui/src/modules/minimap";
import find from "lodash-es/find";
import findIndex from "lodash-es/findIndex";
import { trigger, state, style, transition, animate } from "@angular/animations";
import { StarkTableExpandDetailDirective } from "../directives/table-expand-detail.directive";
import { StarkTableRowContentDirective } from "../directives/table-row-content.directive";
* @ignore
const componentName = "stark-table";
* Default filter {@link StarkTableFilter} configuration
const defaultFilter: StarkTableFilter = {
globalFilterPresent: true,
filterPosition: "below"
* The default values set for {@link StarkTableColumnProperties}
const DEFAULT_COLUMN_PROPERTIES: Partial<StarkTableColumnProperties> = {
isFilterable: true,
isSortable: true,
isVisible: true
// FIXME: refactor the template of this component function to reduce its cyclomatic complexity
/* eslint-disable @angular-eslint/template/cyclomatic-complexity */
* Component to display array data in a table layout.
selector: "stark-table",
templateUrl: "./table.component.html",
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
// See note on CdkTable for explanation on why this uses the default change detection strategy.
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default,
// We need to use host instead of @HostBinding:
host: {
class: componentName
animations: [
trigger("detailExpand", [
state("collapsed", style({ height: "0px", minHeight: "0", display: "none" })),
state("expanded", style({ height: "*" })),
transition("expanded <=> collapsed", animate("225ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1)"))
export class StarkTableComponent extends AbstractStarkUiComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy {
* Array of {@link StarkTableColumnProperties} objects which define the columns of the data table.
public set columnProperties(input: StarkTableColumnProperties[]) {
this.isFooterEnabled =
input || [],
(column: StarkTableColumnProperties) => typeof column.footerValue !== "undefined" && column.footerValue !== ""
) > -1;
this._columnProperties = (input || []).map((properties: StarkTableColumnProperties) => ({
footerValue: this.isFooterEnabled ? properties.footerValue || "" : undefined
if (this.dataSource) {
if (this.isArrayFilled(this.orderProperties)) {
public get columnProperties(): StarkTableColumnProperties[] {
return this._columnProperties;
* Return the array of {@link StarkMinimapItemProperties} to be displayed display in the table minimap component
public get _minimapItemProperties(): StarkMinimapItemProperties[] {
return{ name, label }: StarkTableColumnProperties) => ({
label: label || name
* Return the items to be shown as "visible" in the table minimap component
public get _visibleMinimapItems(): string[] {
return this.columnProperties
.filter(({ isVisible }: StarkTableColumnProperties) => !!isVisible)
.map(({ name }: StarkTableColumnProperties) => name);
* @ignore
* @internal
private _columnProperties: StarkTableColumnProperties[] = [];
* Array of {@link StarkAction} objects.
public customTableActions?: StarkAction[];
* Mode in which the custom actions will be displayed in the table
public customTableActionsType: "regular" | "alt" = "regular";
* Data that will be display inside your table.
public data: object[] = [];
public static ngAcceptInputType_data: object[] | undefined | null;
* Object which contains filtering information for the table.
public get filter(): StarkTableFilter {
return this._filter;
public set filter(value: StarkTableFilter) {
this._filter = { ...defaultFilter, ...value };
public static ngAcceptInputType_filter: StarkTableFilter | undefined;
* @ignore
* @internal
private _filter: StarkTableFilter = defaultFilter;
* Allows to fix the header to the top of the scrolling viewport containing the table.
* Setting the attribute to `true` or empty will enable this feature.
* The class `fixed-header` will be added under `.stark-table` which defines the following CSS properties:
* - `overflow-y: auto;`
* - `height: 400px;`
* If you need to change the height, please redefine the value for `.stark-table .fixed-header { height: 400px; }`
public set fixedHeader(value: boolean) {
this.isFixedHeaderEnabled = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
// Information about boolean coercion
public static ngAcceptInputType_fixedHeader: BooleanInput;
* HTML id of the table
public htmlId?: string;
* Determine if you can select the rows in the table
* @deprecated - use {@link selection} instead
public rowsSelectable?: boolean;
* Allows multiple row selection. Setting the attribute to "true" or empty will enable this feature.
* @deprecated - use {@link selection} instead
public multiSelect?: string;
* Allows sorting by multiple columns. Setting the attribute to "true" or empty will enable this feature.
public set multiSort(value: boolean) {
this.isMultiSortEnabled = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
// Information about boolean coercion
public static ngAcceptInputType_multiSort: BooleanInput;
* Columns to be sorted by default
public orderProperties?: string[];
* Whether to display the pagination component
public paginate = false;
* Shows or hides the {@link StarkMinimapComponent} in the header. When set to 'compact' it shows the compacted minimap
public minimap: boolean | StarkMinimapComponentMode = true;
* {@link StarkPaginationConfig} object for the embedded {@link StarkPaginationComponent}
* **IMPORTANT:** the pagination component is displayed in "compact" mode
public paginationConfig: StarkPaginationConfig = {};
* Determine if the item counter is enabled. Shows how many items are in the data object array.
* Default: `false`
public get showRowsCounter(): boolean {
return this._showRowsCounter;
public set showRowsCounter(value: boolean) {
this._showRowsCounter = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
// Information about boolean coercion
public static ngAcceptInputType_showRowsCounter: BooleanInput;
* @ignore
* @internal
private _showRowsCounter = false;
* {@link StarkActionBarConfig} object for the {@link StarkActionBarComponent} to be displayed in all the rows
public tableRowActions: StarkTableRowActions = { actions: [] };
* Active row that should be collapsed
public expandedRows: object[] = [];
* An {@link StarkActionBarConfig} object defining the different actions to be shown in each row of the table
* @deprecated - use {@link tableRowActions} instead
public set tableRowsActionBarConfig(config: StarkActionBarConfig) {
this.logger.warn("[tableRowsActionBarConfig] attribute on <stark-table> is deprecated. Use [tableRowActions] instead.");
this.tableRowActions = <StarkTableRowActions>config;
* Function to generate classNames for rows
public rowClassNameFn?: (row: object, index: number) => string;
/* eslint-disable jsdoc/require-param */
* Function to see if a row is collapsed
public expandedRowFn: (expandedRow: object, row: object) => boolean = (expandedRow: object, row: object): boolean =>
expandedRow === row;
/* eslint-enable jsdoc/require-param */
* Angular CDK selection model used for the "master" selection of the table
public get selection(): SelectionModel<object> {
return this._selection;
public set selection(selection: SelectionModel<object>) {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-deprecated
if (coerceBooleanProperty(this.multiSelect) || !!this.rowsSelectable) {
`${componentName}: 'selection' cannot be used with 'multiSelect' and/or 'rowsSelectable'. Please use 'selection' only.`
if (selection) {
this._managedSelection = true;
if (!this.displayedColumns.includes("select")) {
this._selection = selection;
} else if (this._selection) {
this._managedSelection = false;
const i: number = this.displayedColumns.indexOf("select");
* @ignore
private _selection!: SelectionModel<object>;
* Determine if the row index must be present or not.
* Default: `false`
public get showRowIndex(): boolean {
return this._showRowIndex;
public set showRowIndex(value: boolean) {
this._showRowIndex = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
if (this._showRowIndex) {
if (!this.displayedColumns.includes("rowIndex")) {
} else {
const i: number = this.displayedColumns.indexOf("rowIndex");
// Information about boolean coercion
public static ngAcceptInputType_showRowIndex: BooleanInput;
* @ignore
* @internal
private _showRowIndex = false;
* Output event emitter that will emit the latest filter value whenever it changes.
public readonly filterChanged = new EventEmitter<StarkTableFilter>();
* Callback function to be called when the pagination changes. Two parameters
* will be passed to the callback function:
* -- page (number)
* -- itemsPerPage (number)
* When you declare it in html tags you have to declare it like 'on-paginate="yourFunction(page,itemsPerPage)"'
* If no callback function is passed, the data will be paginated automatically by the component.
* When set onPaginate, these attributes are required : totalItems
public readonly paginationChanged = new EventEmitter<StarkPaginateEvent>();
* Output event emitter that will emit the array of selected rows.
* @deprecated - use {@link selection} instead
public readonly selectChanged = new EventEmitter<object[]>();
* Output event emitter that will emit the data of a row when it is clicked.
* If there are no observers it will not emit, but instead select the row.
public readonly rowClicked = new EventEmitter<object>();
* Reference to the MatTable embedded in this component
@ViewChild(MatTable, { static: true })
public table!: MatTable<object>;
* Reference to the MatPaginator embedded in this component
@ViewChild(StarkPaginationComponent, { static: false })
public starkPaginator!: StarkPaginationComponent;
* Columns added automatically by this component according to the `columnProperties` input
public viewColumns!: QueryList<StarkTableColumnComponent>;
* Columns added by the user via transclusion inside an <div> element with class "stark-table-columns"
public contentColumns!: QueryList<StarkTableColumnComponent>;
@ContentChild(StarkTableExpandDetailDirective, { static: false, read: TemplateRef })
public expandedDetailTemplate!: StarkTableExpandDetailDirective;
@ContentChild(StarkTableRowContentDirective, { static: false, read: TemplateRef })
public customRowTemplate!: StarkTableRowContentDirective;
* Array of StarkTableColumnComponents defined in this table
public columns: StarkTableColumnComponent[] = [];
* Array of StarkAction for alt mode
public customTableAltActions?: StarkAction[];
* {@link StarkActionBarConfig} object for the {@link StarkActionBarComponent} in regular mode
public customTableRegularActions: StarkActionBarConfig = { actions: [] };
* MatTableDataSource associated to the MatTable embedded in this component
public dataSource!: MatTableDataSource<object>;
* Array of columns (column id's) to be displayed in the table.
public displayedColumns: string[] = [];
* @ignore
public _globalFilterFormCtrl = new UntypedFormControl();
* Whether the fixed header is enabled.
public isFixedHeaderEnabled = false;
* Whether the footer is enabled.
* Default: if there is no footer defined here and in any other column, then it won't be displayed.
* Otherwise, if at least one of the other columns defines a footer,
* then the footer of this column will be displayed as empty
public isFooterEnabled = false;
* Whether the current sorting is done on multiple columns
public isMultiSorting = false;
* Whether the sorting by multiple columns is enabled.
public isMultiSortEnabled = false;
* @ignore
private _selectionSub!: Subscription;
* @ignore
private _managedSelection = false;
* Class constructor
* @param logger - The `StarkLoggingService` instance of the application.
* @param dialogService - Angular Material service to open Material Design modal dialogs.
* @param cdRef - Reference to the change detector attached to this component
* @param renderer - Angular `Renderer2` wrapper for DOM manipulations.
* @param elementRef - Reference to the DOM element where this component is attached to.
public constructor(
@Inject(STARK_LOGGING_SERVICE) public logger: StarkLoggingService,
public dialogService: MatDialog,
private cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
renderer: Renderer2,
elementRef: ElementRef
) {
super(renderer, elementRef);
* Component lifecycle hook
public override ngOnInit(): void {
this.logger.debug(componentName + ": component initialized");
* Component lifecycle hook
public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
this.logger.debug(componentName + ": ngAfterViewInit");
if (this.isArrayFilled(this.orderProperties)) {
this._globalFilterFormCtrl.valueChanges.pipe(distinctUntilChanged()).subscribe((value?: string | null) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null
this.filter.globalFilterValue = value === null ? undefined : value;
if (value) {
this.dataSource.filter = value.trim().toLowerCase();
} else {
this.dataSource.filter = "%empty%";
* Component lifecycle hook
* @param changes - Contains the changed properties
// eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity
public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
if (changes["data"]) { = || [];
if (!changes["data"].isFirstChange()) {
if (this.resetFilterValueOnDataChange()) {
if (this.isArrayFilled(this.orderProperties)) {
} else { = [];
this.paginationConfig = {
totalItems: this.dataSource.filteredData.length
if (changes["orderProperties"] && !changes["orderProperties"].isFirstChange()) {
if (changes["filter"]) {
this.filter = { ...defaultFilter, ...this.filter };
/* eslint-disable import/no-deprecated */
if (changes["rowsSelectable"]) {
if (this._managedSelection) {
`${componentName}: 'selection' cannot be used with 'multiSelect' and/or 'rowsSelectable'. Please use 'selection' only.`
} else if (this.rowsSelectable) {
if (!this.displayedColumns.includes("select")) {
} else {
const i: number = this.displayedColumns.indexOf("select");
/* eslint-enable import/no-deprecated */
if (changes["multiSelect"] && !changes["multiSelect"].isFirstChange()) {
if (this._managedSelection) {
`${componentName}: 'selection' cannot be used with 'multiSelect' and/or 'rowsSelectable'. Please use 'selection' only.`
} else {
if (changes["customTableActionsType"] || changes["customTableActions"]) {
if (this.customTableActionsType === "regular") {
this.customTableRegularActions = { actions: this.customTableActions || [] };
} else {
this.customTableRegularActions = { actions: [] };
this.customTableAltActions = this.customTableActions;
* Component lifecycle hook
public ngOnDestroy(): void {
* Remove the columns that were previously defined
private removeOldColumnsFromTable(): void {
// this.table._contentColumnDefs.toArray() contains the column definitions provided by the user
// using the internal prop from mat-table to get the custom column definitions (no other way for now)
const oldColumns: Set<MatColumnDef> = this.table["_customColumnDefs"];
oldColumns.forEach((oldColumn: MatColumnDef) => {
// removing column also from the displayed columns (such array should match the dataSource!)
this.displayedColumns.findIndex((column: string) => column ===,
* Add the new columns defined
* @param columns - The columns to be added
private addColumnsToTable(columns: StarkTableColumnComponent[]): void {
for (const column of columns) {
const columnProperties = find(
(columnProps: StarkTableColumnProperties) => ===
if (this.isColumnPropertiesWithOnClickCallback(columnProperties)) {
column.cellClicked.subscribe((cellClickedOutput: StarkColumnCellClickedOutput) => {
columnProperties.onClickCallback(cellClickedOutput.value, cellClickedOutput.row, cellClickedOutput.columnName);
column.sortChanged.subscribe((sortedColumn: StarkColumnSortChangedOutput) => {
column.filterChanged.subscribe((filteredColumn: StarkColumnFilterChangedOutput) => {
this.onColumnFilterChange(, filteredColumn.filterValue);
this.displayedColumns = [...this.displayedColumns,];
* Trigger the filtering of the MatTableDataSource used by the MatTable
public applyFilter(): void {
this.dataSource.filter = "" + this.dataSource.filter;
this.paginationConfig = { ...this.paginationConfig, totalItems: this.dataSource.filteredData.length };
* Selects all rows if they are not all selected; otherwise clear selection.
public masterToggle(): void {
if (this.isAllSelected()) {
} else {
for (const row of this.dataSource.filteredData) {;
* Create and initialize the MatTableDataSource used by the MatTable
// eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity
private initializeDataSource(): void {
this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource(;
this.paginationConfig = {
totalItems: this.dataSource.filteredData.length
// if there are observers subscribed to the StarkPagination event, it means that the developer will take care of the pagination
// so we just re-emit the event from the Stark Pagination component (online mode)
if (this.paginationChanged.observers.length > 0) {
this.starkPaginator.paginated.subscribe((paginateEvent: StarkPaginateEvent) => {
} else {
// if there are no observers, then the data will be paginated internally in the MatTable via the Stark paginator event (offline mode)
this.dataSource.paginator = this.starkPaginator;
this.dataSource.filterPredicate = (rowData: object, globalFilter: string): boolean => {
const matchFilter: boolean[] = [];
if (globalFilter !== "%empty%") {
// initially we take all the filter criteria as "unmet" criteria
let unmetFilterCriteria: RegExp[] = this.getNormalizedFilterCriteria(globalFilter);
for (const column of this.columns) {
const displayedValue: string = column.getDisplayedValue(rowData).toString();
// recalculate the "unmet" criteria again based on the remaining "unmet" criteria from the previous iteration
unmetFilterCriteria = this.getUnmetFilterCriteria(displayedValue, unmetFilterCriteria);
matchFilter.push(unmetFilterCriteria.length === 0);
for (const column of this.columns) {
if (column.filterValue) {
const displayedValue: string = column.getDisplayedValue(rowData).toString();
const filterCriteria: RegExp[] = this.getNormalizedFilterCriteria(column.filterValue);
matchFilter.push(this.getUnmetFilterCriteria(displayedValue, filterCriteria).length === 0);
return !matchFilter.length || matchFilter.every(Boolean);
if (this.filter.globalFilterValue && this.filter.globalFilterValue !== "") {
this.dataSource.filter = this.filter.globalFilterValue;
} else {
this.dataSource.filter = "%empty%";
* Update columns of the Mat-Table component based on columnProperties.
public updateTableColumns(): void {
// add the columns the developer defined with the <stark-table-column>
this.columns = [...this.viewColumns.toArray(), ...this.contentColumns.toArray()];
* Return the filter criteria that the item does not meet
* @param item - The item to filter
* @param filterCriteria - The criteria that should be met by the item
public getUnmetFilterCriteria(item: object | string, filterCriteria: RegExp[]): RegExp[] {
let itemStr: string;
if (item && typeof item === "object") {
itemStr = JSON.stringify(item);
} else {
itemStr = item;
return filterCriteria.filter(
(criteria: RegExp) => !criteria.test(itemStr) // the item does not fulfill the given criteria
* Normalize the given filter value into a more complex filter criteria supporting wildcards
* @param filterValue - The original filter value
* @returns An array containing more complex regex based on the original filter value supporting wildcards
public getNormalizedFilterCriteria(filterValue: string): RegExp[] {
const filter: string = filterValue
.replace(/\\(?=\*)\*/g, "<stark_char_star>") // string "\*" (escaped *)
.replace(/\\(?=\?)\?/g, "<stark_char_quot>") // string "\?" (escaped ?)
.replace(/\\/g, "<stark_char_backsl>") // character "\"
.replace(/[*?[\]()$+^]/g, (match: string) => {
// replace chars "*", "?", "[", "]", "(", ")", "$", "+", "^"
if (match === "*") {
return "\\S*"; // wildcard "*"
} else if (match === "?") {
return "\\S{1}"; // wildcard "?"
return "\\" + match; // add trailing "\" to escape the character
.replace("<stark_char_star>", "\\*")
.replace("<stark_char_quot>", "\\?")
.replace("<stark_char_backsl>", "\\\\");
return filter.split(" ").map((filterStr: string) => new RegExp(filterStr, "i"));
* Return whether the number of selected elements matches the total number of rows.
public isAllSelected(): boolean {
const numSelected: number = this.selection.selected.length;
const numRows: number =;
return numSelected === numRows;
* Called when the Clear button in the filter pop-up is clicked
public onClearFilter(): void {
* Called whenever the value of the filter input of a column changes
* @param columnName - The column whose filter input has changed
* @param filterValue - The new value set to the filter input
public onColumnFilterChange(columnName: string, filterValue?: string): void {
if (typeof this.filter.columns !== "undefined") {
for (const columnFilter of this.filter.columns) {
if (columnFilter.columnName === columnName) {
columnFilter.filterValue = filterValue;
* Called whenever the sorting of any of the columns changes
* @param column - The column whose sorting has changed
public onReorderChange(column: StarkColumnSortChangedOutput): void {
if (column.sortable) {
const sortedColumn = find(this.columns, { name: });
if (sortedColumn) {
sortedColumn.sortPriority = 1;
switch (column.sortDirection) {
case "asc":
sortedColumn.sortDirection = "desc";
case "desc":
sortedColumn.sortDirection = "";
sortedColumn.sortDirection = "asc";
* Open the multi-sort dialog to configure the multi-column sorting of the data
public openMultiSortDialog(): void {
const dialogRef: MatDialogRef<StarkTableMultisortDialogComponent, StarkSortingRule[]> =<
>(StarkTableMultisortDialogComponent, {
panelClass: "stark-table-dialog-multisort-panel-class", // the width is set via CSS using this class
data: { columns: this.columns.filter((column: StarkTableColumnComponent) => column.sortable) }
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe((savedRules: StarkSortingRule[] | undefined) => {
// re-calculate the orderProperties with the sorting defined in the dialog
if (savedRules) {
const newOrderProperties: string[] = [];
// IMPORTANT: the rules should be ordered by priority because the priority passed to the columns by getColumnSortingPriority()
// is calculated based on the order in which the columns appear in the "orderProperties"
const orderedRulesByPriority = savedRules
// we only care about the columns that are really sorted, the rest should be discarded
.filter((rule: StarkSortingRule) => rule.sortDirection !== "")
.sort((rule1: StarkSortingRule, rule2: StarkSortingRule) => (rule1.sortPriority < rule2.sortPriority ? -1 : 1));
for (const rule of orderedRulesByPriority) {
let columnWithSortDirection: string =; // asc
if (rule.sortDirection === "desc") {
columnWithSortDirection = "-" +; // desc
this.orderProperties = newOrderProperties; // enforcing immutability :)
this.cdRef.detectChanges(); // needed due to ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush in order to refresh the columns
* Clear the sorting direction of every column in the table except for the given column (if any)
* @param exceptColumn - Column whose sorting direction should not be cleared
public resetSorting(exceptColumn: StarkColumnSortChangedOutput): void {
for (const column of this.columns) {
if ( !== {
column.sortDirection = "";
column.sortPriority = 100;
* @ignore
private _resetSelection(forceReset: boolean = false): void {
/* eslint-disable import/no-deprecated */
if (!this.selection || forceReset) {
this._selection = new SelectionModel<object>(coerceBooleanProperty(this.multiSelect), []);
// Emit event when selection changes
if (this._selectionSub) {
this._selectionSub = this.selection.changed.subscribe((change: SelectionChange<object>) => {
const selected: object[] = change.source.selected;
/* eslint-enable import/no-deprecated */
* Sort the data according to the direction and priority (if any) defined for each column.
* In case there is a compareFn defined for any of the columns then such method is called to perform the custom sorting.
// eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity
public sortData(): void {
if (!this.columns) {
const sortableColumns: StarkTableColumnComponent[] = this.columns
.filter((columnToFilter: StarkTableColumnComponent) => !!columnToFilter.sortDirection)
.sort((column1: StarkTableColumnComponent, column2: StarkTableColumnComponent) => column1.sortPriority - column2.sortPriority);
// FIXME If "multiSort" is empty or equal to "true", isMultiSorting is true. Otherwise, "isMultiSorting" should stay false.
// Should remove this condition ?
this.isMultiSorting = sortableColumns.length > 1; = [].sort((row1: object, row2: object) => {
for (const column of sortableColumns) {
const isAscendingDirection: boolean = column.sortDirection === "asc";
if (column.compareFn instanceof Function) {
const compareResult: number = column.compareFn(column.getRawValue(row1), column.getRawValue(row2));
if (compareResult !== 0) {
return isAscendingDirection ? compareResult : compareResult * -1;
} else {
const valueObj1: string | number = column.getDisplayedValue(row1);
const valueObj2: string | number = column.getDisplayedValue(row2);
const obj1: string | number = typeof valueObj1 === "string" ? valueObj1.toLowerCase() : valueObj1;
const obj2: string | number = typeof valueObj2 === "string" ? valueObj2.toLowerCase() : valueObj2;
if (obj1 > obj2) {
return isAscendingDirection ? 1 : -1;
if (obj1 < obj2) {
return isAscendingDirection ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
* Get the filter value of the specified column.
* @param columnName - Name of the column whose filter value should be retrieved.
* @returns The filter value of the specified column or undefined in case it has no filter value defined.
public getColumnFilterValue(columnName: string): string | undefined {
let columnFilterValue: string | undefined;
if (this.filter.columns instanceof Array) {
for (const columnFilter of this.filter.columns) {
if (
columnFilter.columnName === columnName &&
typeof columnFilter.filterValue === "string" &&
columnFilter.filterValue !== ""
) {
columnFilterValue = columnFilter.filterValue;
return columnFilterValue;
* Get the position of the filter box of the specified column.
* @param columnName - Name of the column whose filter box position should be retrieved.
* @returns The position of the filter box of the specified column.
public getColumnFilterPosition(columnName: string): StarkTableColumnFilter["filterPosition"] {
if (!(this.filter.columns instanceof Array)) {
return undefined;
const column = this.filter.columns.find((columnFilter: StarkTableColumnFilter) => columnFilter.columnName === columnName);
return column ? column.filterPosition : undefined;
* Get the sorting direction of the specified column.
* @param columnName - Name of the column whose sorting direction should be retrieved.
* @returns The sorting direction of the specified column.
public getColumnSortingDirection(columnName: string): StarkTableColumnSortingDirection {
let columnSortingDirection: StarkTableColumnSortingDirection = "";
if (this.isArrayFilled(this.orderProperties)) {
const columnOrderProperty: string | undefined = this.orderProperties.filter((orderProperty: string) => {
if (orderProperty.startsWith("-")) {
return orderProperty === "-" + columnName;
return orderProperty === columnName;
if (columnOrderProperty) {
columnSortingDirection = columnOrderProperty.startsWith("-") ? "desc" : "asc";
return columnSortingDirection;
* Get the sorting priority of the specified column.
* @param columnName - Name of the column whose sorting priority should be retrieved.
* @returns The sorting priority of the specified column.
public getColumnSortingPriority(columnName: string): number | undefined {
let columnSortingPriority: number | undefined;
let priority = 1;
if (this.isArrayFilled(this.orderProperties)) {
for (const orderProperty of this.orderProperties) {
if (orderProperty === columnName || (orderProperty.startsWith("-") && orderProperty === "-" + columnName)) {
columnSortingPriority = priority;
return columnSortingPriority;
* Reset the filter value (global or per column) as long as the resetFilterOnDataChange (global or per column) option is enabled
* @returns Whether the filter has been reset
public resetFilterValueOnDataChange(): boolean {
let filterValueReset = false;
if (
typeof this.filter.globalFilterValue === "string" &&
this.filter.globalFilterValue !== "" &&
this.filter.resetGlobalFilterOnDataChange === true
) {
filterValueReset = true;
if (typeof this.filter.columns !== "undefined") {
for (const columnFilter of this.filter.columns) {
if (
typeof columnFilter.filterValue === "string" &&
columnFilter.filterValue !== "" &&
columnFilter.resetFilterOnDataChange === true
) {
columnFilter.filterValue = "";
filterValueReset = true;
return filterValueReset;
* Check if a given row is inside the expandedRow.
* @param row - The data object to check.
* @returns boolean
public isRowInExpandedRows(row: object): boolean {
return this.expandedRows.some((expandedRow: object) => this.expandedRowFn(expandedRow, row));
* Gets the class for a specific row if a rowClassNameFn function has been given as an Input.
* Also checks if the row is selected.
* @param row - The data object passed to the row.
* @param index - The index of the row.
* @returns The classNames generated by the rowClassNameFn function
public getRowClasses(row: object, index: number): string {
const classes: string[] = [];
// Check if selected
if (this.selection && this.selection.isSelected(row)) {
if (this.isRowInExpandedRows(row)) {
// Run rowClassNameFn
if (typeof this.rowClassNameFn === "function") {
classes.push(this.rowClassNameFn(row, index));
return classes.join(" ") || "";
* Handles if a row is clicked. If there are listeners on the rowClick event of the table these should handle the event.
* If there are no listeners we fall back to the default behaviour, which is (de)selecting the row (if rowsSelectable is enabled)
* @param row - The data object passed to the row
public onRowClick(row: object): void {
if (this.rowClicked.observers.length > 0) {
// If there is an observer, emit an event
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-deprecated
} else if (this._managedSelection || this.rowsSelectable) {
// If multi-select is enabled, (un)select the row
} else {
// Do nothing
* Get the row index, based on its position in
* @param row - Row to get index
public getRowIndex(row: any): number | undefined {
if (this.dataSource && {
return + 1;
return undefined;
* Toggles the visibility of a column
* @param item - The item containing the name of the column
public toggleColumnVisibility(item: StarkMinimapItemProperties): void {
const index: number = this.columnProperties.findIndex(({ name }: StarkTableColumnProperties) => name ===;
this.columnProperties[index].isVisible = !this.columnProperties[index].isVisible;
* @ignore
* Type guard
private isArrayFilled(array: any): array is any[] {
return array instanceof Array && !!array.length;
* @ignore
public trackColumnFn(_index: number, item: StarkTableColumnProperties): string {
* @ignore
* Type guard
private isColumnPropertiesWithOnClickCallback(
columnProperties?: StarkTableColumnProperties
): columnProperties is StarkTableColumnProperties & Required<Pick<StarkTableColumnProperties, "onClickCallback">> {
return !!columnProperties && columnProperties.onClickCallback instanceof Function;
* @ignore
* Type guard
public isGlobalFilterPresent(
filter: StarkTableFilter
): filter is StarkTableFilter & Required<Pick<StarkTableFilter, "filterPosition">> {
return !!filter && !!filter.globalFilterPresent && (filter.filterPosition === "above" || filter.filterPosition === "below");
<!-- the projected detail content should be put in an ng-template so that it can be rendered multiple times in this template -->
<!-- solution taken from -->
<ng-template #tableActions>
<!-- Count of element in the table -->
<div *ngIf="showRowsCounter && dataSource" class="stark-table-rows-counter">
<span>{{ dataSource.filteredData.length }} </span>
<span translate>STARK.TABLE.ITEMS_FOUND</span>
<stark-pagination htmlSuffixId="{{ htmlId }}-pagination" [paginationConfig]="paginationConfig" mode="compact"></stark-pagination>
<button *ngIf="isMultiSortEnabled" (click)="openMultiSortDialog()" mat-icon-button>
<mat-icon class="stark-small-icon" [matTooltip]="'STARK.TABLE.MULTI_COLUMN_SORTING' | translate" svgIcon="sort"></mat-icon>
<ng-container *ngIf="isGlobalFilterPresent(filter)">
[ngClass]="{ 'filter-enabled': !!filter.globalFilterValue }"
<mat-icon [matTooltip]="'STARK.TABLE.FILTER' | translate" class="stark-small-icon" svgIcon="filter"></mat-icon>
<mat-form-field (click)="$event.stopPropagation()" (keyup)="$event.stopPropagation()" (keydown)="$event.stopPropagation()">
id="{{ htmlId + '-' + 'table-filter' }}"
[placeholder]="'STARK.TABLE.GLOBAL_FILTER' | translate"
<button mat-icon-button (click)="onClearFilter()">
<mat-icon class="stark-small-icon" svgIcon="close" [matTooltip]="'STARK.TABLE.CLEAR_FILTER' | translate"></mat-icon>
[matTooltip]="'STARK.TABLE.TOGGLE_COLUMNS' | translate"
*ngIf="minimap !== false"
[mode]="minimap === 'compact' ? 'compact' : undefined"
<div class="header">
<div class="transcluded">
<ng-content select="header"></ng-content>
<div class="actions">
<ng-container *ngIf="customTableActionsType === 'alt'">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tableActions"></ng-container>
<ng-container *ngIf="customTableActionsType !== 'alt'">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="tableActions"></ng-container>
<div [ngClass]="{ 'table-container': true, 'fixed-header': isFixedHeaderEnabled }">
<table #matTable mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource" multiTemplateDataRows [ngClass]="{ 'multi-sorting': isMultiSorting }">
<ng-container matColumnDef="select">
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>
(change)="$event ? masterToggle() : null"
[checked]="selection.hasValue() && isAllSelected()"
[indeterminate]="selection.hasValue() && !isAllSelected()"
[matTooltip]="'STARK.TABLE.SELECT_DESELECT_ALL' | translate"
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row">
(change)="$event ? selection.toggle(row) : null"
<ng-container *ngIf="isFooterEnabled">
<td mat-footer-cell *matFooterCellDef></td>
<ng-container matColumnDef="rowIndex">
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef></th>
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row">{{ getRowIndex(row) }}</td>
<ng-container *ngIf="isFooterEnabled">
<td mat-footer-cell *matFooterCellDef></td>
*ngFor="let col of columnProperties; trackBy: trackColumnFn"
[sortable]="col.isSortable !== false"
<ng-template let-context>
context: {
$implicit: context.rowData,
rowData: context.rowData,
rawValue: context.rawValue,
displayedValue: context.displayedValue
<span *ngIf="!customRowTemplate">{{ context.displayedValue }}</span>
<ng-content select=".stark-table-columns"></ng-content>
*ngIf="tableRowActions && tableRowActions.actions && tableRowActions.actions.length"
[headerLabel]="'STARK.TABLE.ACTIONS' | translate"
<ng-template let-context>
<stark-action-bar [actionBarConfig]="tableRowActions" [actionBarScope]="context.rowData" mode="compact"></stark-action-bar>
<ng-container matColumnDef="expandedDetail">
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element" [attr.colspan]="displayedColumns.length">
<div class="expanded-detail-inner" [@detailExpand]="isRowInExpandedRows(element) ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'">
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="expandedDetailTemplate; context: { $implicit: element }"></ng-container>
<tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns; sticky: isFixedHeaderEnabled"></tr>
*matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns; let i = dataIndex"
[ngClass]="getRowClasses(row, i)"
<ng-container *ngIf="expandedDetailTemplate">
<tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: ['expandedDetail']" class="expandable-row"></tr>
<ng-container *ngIf="isFooterEnabled">
<tr mat-footer-row *matFooterRowDef="displayedColumns"></tr>